Familiar Face (Niall)

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"The dentist is ready for you now," said the receptionist, pointing to a narrow corridor with a few white doors. "Just knock on the second door on the left".

I hadn't been to the dentist since I moved to the UK. To be truthful I was nervous, I had a really nice dentist back at home in Mullingar. The dental nurses were even so kind to me, especially one called Niall. He was always joking around with me as a kid and as I got older he'd tell me about how he hopes to be a general dentist one day.

I approached the door and read the sign outside, Dr. Horan. Horan, sounded familiar. I brushed it off and knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard from inside. Was that an Irish accent I heard?

I pushed the door open to see a very familiar face look up from his computer. His clear braces were gone, his clean-shaven face was growing a short beard and his bright blond hair was now a golden caramel colour, but I knew that warm smile anywhere - it was Niall.

"Fancy seeing you here," he said, beaming with joy. "Likewise!" I replied as a little smile managed to surpass my nerves. Niall pointed towards the dental chair, the thing I dreaded most.

He spun around on his stool. "God Aoife, you've grown. Last time I saw you you were what, 15, 16?"  I was a little surprised he even remembered me. "8 years, I'm 23 now" I said, swinging my legs onto the chair.

This felt so surreal, almost like a dream. "I'm guessing your dream of getting out of that assistant's chair and becoming a dentist worked out". Niall nodded proudly and I smiled knowing how much he wanted this.

"So how'd you end up here in London?" Niall asked as he scanned through my paperwork. I explained to him that I'd moved for a job offer, and he nodded along attentively. He paused for a second. "Just looking through your new patient form, the last dentist visit section is blank".

I bit my lip. I was planning on lying my way through this part but Niall knew me too well. "Let's just say... you were at it." I said. Niall's gaze softened and he paused for a second. "Oh sweetheart," he whispered softly. "Talk to me about it". 

I debated on whether I should give him an excuse, but even after 8 years of not seeing him I trusted Niall. "Since I got older and my parents weren't making me go, I just stopped coming," I explained. "You know what I was like, a bloody bag of nerves."

He looked at me sympathetically. "No judgement, okay? The past is over. But promise me you'll start coming regularly again?". I nodded at him, unsure of if I could keep this promise.

Niall snapped on a pair of gloves, making me wince at the sound. "Any questions, concerns, pain, anything like that?" Niall asked me as he flicked on the blinding light and reclined the chair. I shook my head.

He picked up a mirror and probe. "Whenever you're ready sweetheart," he said softly and I opened. "If you want me to stop at any time you just raise this hand next to me, okay?" he asked me and I nodded, remembering how he always used to say that to me as a kid. 

He pushed the mirror to the back of my mouth. "I'm just looking," he reassured me. "Just relax, I promise you're doing great". As much of a nervous wreck I was, I felt better knowing I was in good hands.

After what felt like an eternity he took his tools out. "Is that it?" I asked, ready to jump out of the chair. Niall shook his head. "Quick cleaning first hon". I rolled my eyes, pushing my head back down against the chair.

"Still hate mint?" he asked me. I nodded my head, he knew me too well. "Well it's all I've got, you're not at a kid's dentist anymore missy". "I guess I'll manage" I said giggling.

"When you're ready love," Niall said softly as his tools approached my mouth. I froze and I tried to hide the tears welling up in my eyes, but Niall caught on. He put his tools back down on the tray and put his hand on my shoulder. He did know me too well. 

"Aoife, have I ever done something to hurt you?" I shook my head with an anxious expression on my face. "So what makes you think I will now?" he asked me, not waiting for an answer. "I promise you I'll be gentle" he continued, rubbing my shoulder.

Reluctantly, I opened my mouth. "That's it" Niall said as he smiled underneath his mask. He began polishing my teeth and soon enough it was over.

"You're almost done Aoife," Niall started. Almost? I twiddled my thumbs. "I just want to pop a sealant on one of your molars". I'd had a sealant before when I was about 8 and I think I nearly gave Niall a black eye. 

"You sure you want to do that after last time?" I smirked, wondering if he'd remember. "Don't make me get the bloody restraints out" he teased. 

"I promise you, 2 minutes and it'll all be over," Niall said pulling over a tray towards him. "Open for me" I realised there was no point arguing because Niall would convince me one way or another so reluctantly, I opened.

 He placed a cotton roll between my cheek and the tooth. He took out a little paintbrush-looking thing and coated the top of my tooth. He turned around and got a little blue light. "We're almost done, you're doing great darling" he said as he held the light up to my tooth.

Eventually he took his tools out and I was done. I sat up from the chair as quick as I could. "You're not getting away that easily," Niall said. I rolled my eyes jokingly as Niall moved closer to me. "You told me you're staying in London for at least a few more years, mhm?" I nodded my head. "So you'll be in my office every 6 months until I hear otherwise, yeah?". 

I agreed reluctantly. "Alright, just stay there two seconds while your file updates". I really wanted to get out of there, could that damn file load any slower? I looked around the room at all the pictures and posters on the walls while I waited, some infographics about teeth and some pictures drawn by kids.

Niall pointed to a drawing of a very disproportionate-looking person in purple scrubs. I laughed, "I know I'm no artist but why are your feet bigger than your head?" I laughed. Niall smirked, "You tell me!" He noticed how puzzled I looked.

"You drew that for me about 12 years ago". A small smile spread across my face as I realised all of the drawings were of him in purple scrubs - the colour he used to wear at the clinic in Mullingar. He'd kept all of the drawings of his old patients.

"Right, you're good to go Aoife," he said, spinning around on his chair. I snapped out of my thoughts about how sweet he was. "Promise I'll see you in 6 months?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned. I nodded and smiled. "Promise". 

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