Wisdom Teeth (Harry)

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                                                                Request  for hallohellohola

I was sitting in my dentist's waiting room, 2 weeks after having my wisdom teeth removed. My Dad couldn't come along to my follow-up appointment like he did last time, so I was by myself today. My Dad was good friends with my dentist, Dr. Collins, so he always insisted on coming along with me.

"Sophie" called a familiar, sweet voice from the small dental surgery. I stood up and followed Dr. Collins into the little room. Although I was nervous I knew it was just a quick check-up so it wouldn't be as bad as last time.

"Okay Sophie," said Dr. Collins as she ushered me to have a seat. "Dad not with you today?". I shook my head. "He's in work, he had a last-minute meeting". Dr. Collins nodded and smiled. "Okay, well we shouldn't have you too long. How have you been since your extractions?"

"To be honest I've had so much pain" I said. She nodded, looking slightly concerned. "A little bit of pain is normal but they shouldn't be too bad, have you tried paracetamol or ibuprofen?" I nodded. "Yeah, they did hardly anything though".

She gave me a sympathetic look. "Alright well let's have a look then," she said reclining the chair and flicking on the big bright light. "Open wide". 

I opened and she used a mirror to look around my mouth. "Okay, I see the problem". I started to worry a bit. "You've got a dry socket back there". I started to worry. Dry socket? What the hell is that?

"We can get it fixed up for you today and the majority of the pain will be gone," she began to explain, taking her tools out of my mouth. "I have another patient in a few minutes so I'll have to get Harry to do it, if that's okay with you?"

I gulped. Harry? Seen as our parents were friends, I'd see him every once in a while. They'd come around for dinner the odd time or we'd go around to theirs. I never really spoke to Harry much other than a bit of small talk, I was always kind of nervous because I really liked him and I'd get so shy around him.

"Sophie? Is that alright?" I snapped back into reality. "Y-yeah, that's fine". As much as I didn't want my crush to be my dentist I couldn't really say no. 

Dr. Collins smiled and headed out of the room to go and get Harry. I still wasn't really sure what "fixing" this dry socket included, but I assumed it couldn't be as bad as getting my wisdom teeth out - those needles were horrible.

Eventually, Harry walked into the room. "Hiya Sophie," he said smiling at me. "Mum asked me to fix up your dry socket". I nodded and stayed quiet, I started to get really shy. Harry closed the door behind him. "Alright, I'm just gonna get everything set up so give me a minute or two".

Harry began to pull things out of cupboards and rummage through drawers. "Harry?" I asked, anxiously. He turned around to face me. "Is this gonna hurt?". He shook his head. "Not at all, we're going to get you all numbed up and then put some medication on them". 

Numb? Could this day get any worse? I absolutely hated needles, but I stayed quiet because I was too nervous to say anything, and the last thing I needed was Harry knowing I'm afraid of needles. 

In hindsight, I probably should've told him, because he caught on to my nerves anyway. "You nervous Soph?" he asked, pulling a tray towards me. "What gave that away?". He giggled a little, "You're fidgeting hon. Just relax, all I want to do is have a look first.".

Harry picked up a mirror and probe. "Alright sweetheart, can you open wide for me when you're ready?". I slowly opened my mouth a little and started to shake again. "I'm just looking darling, don't worry". He pushed the mirror to the back of my mouth and started to look at the dry sockets.

"They look painful, you poor thing" he said, taking his tools out. "Tell me about it, I've been living off soup and ice cream for 2 weeks". He smiled at my comment but gave me a sympathetic look. "Alright Soph, we're going to get you all numbed up, okay?" Harry said as he picked up the needle.

I froze and my eyes started to well up with tears. Harry caught on and put the needle back on the tray. "Hey, hey, you're alright love," he comforted me. "You nervous about the needle?" 

I nodded with tears running down my cheeks, so embarrassed. "I promise you Sophie, I'll be as gentle as I can. I'm way better at this than my Mum". I smiled at his joke, wiping away my tears but still nervous.

"We'll do it whenever you're ready," he said as he put his hand on my shoulder. After a couple seconds I nodded, "I think I'm ready". That was a lie but I wasn't ready to embarrass myself more. 

"Alright, open up for me," he said bringing the needle up to my mouth. I looked away as best I could. I felt the sharp scratch of the needle hitting my gum, wincing at the pain. "Deep breaths and it'll all be over in a second".

"All done sweetheart" Harry said as he pulled the needle away. "You doing okay?" I nodded, glad that it was done. He smiled at me. "That's the hard part over, now I'm just going to clean it out and put some medication on it". 

"Open up again," Harry said, looking concentrated. He started to clean out the sockets and tears formed in my eyes, even though I was numb it was still horrible. Harry noticed. "I know it's not nice darling, you're doing great. Keep taking deep breaths for me".

He started to apply some medication into the dry socket, and after what felt like an eternity we were done. 

"You're all finished love," he said, turning the light off and sitting the chair back up. "Thank god" I said, under my breath. 

"Just give me two minutes while I save your file," he said as he turned to the computer. He started to make small talk as he was clicking and typing away. "Is your Dad out in the waiting room? I meant to give him back that jersey I borrowed". I shook my head. "He's in work".

Harry turned to face me. "How you getting home then?". I hadn't really thought about that. "I was probably just gonna hang around the shopping center across the road until he can get me later". 

"You're better off resting after that love, you'll probably need some painkillers too," said Harry as he spun around on his chair to face me. He paused for a second. "Unless you want to come around to mine..?"

This was a rollercoaster of a day. First Harry was fixing my dry socket's, now I'm going back to his house. "I mean.. if you don't mind...". He smiled, almost looking relieved.

After he saved the files we got going and I followed him out to his car. I guess Harry being my dentist didn't work out too bad after all!

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