Vaccines (Louis)

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The school hall was flooded with medical dividers and people in scrubs. My old school used to give us all individual appointments at a clinic for vaccines, but my new school had it all set up in the big PE hall. I was not one bit happy, everyone from my new school was going to see how terrified I was of needles.

I was sitting next to some of my new school friends. They were all chatting away about the test we had last class but I was too nervous to even stay in the conversation. I stared around the big hall that is normally an empty open space, which was now divided into tiny little rooms. Every now and then old grouchy ladies would pass by in scrubs. They all looked so done and none of them seemed particularly friendly.

A tall brunette who was a lot younger than most of the other nurses popped his head from behind one of the curtains. "I'll take who's next" he said. I looked around. Everyone sitting near me had already been done, I'd waited till the very end. I stood up reluctantly and followed him into the little boxed-off area.

"Hiya love, have a seat for me," he said as he pulled over the curtain. I sat down on the big blue chair. "Now darling, my name's Louis, what's yours?"

"Anna Smith" I replied anxiously. He began typing away at his computer screen. "Let me just pull you up on the system... Anna Smith... there we are. Will you just take a look at the date of birth and address there and make sure that's all correct for me Anna?" My eyes quickly scanned over the screen and I nodded.

"Perfect, and any medical conditions, allergies, anything like that?" he asked. "I have asthma but that's all" I said, twiddling my thumbs. He nodded and typed something into the computer before turning around to face me.

"How are you feeling my love?" he asked. "Fine.." I said, a little confused. "You look really nervous," he explained. "Take a deep breath for me. You're going to be fine angel, okay?". I nodded.

"Can you just roll up your sleeve for me darling?" he asked. I pulled up the sleeve of my school jumper. Louis tucked up the sleeve of my blouse. "Sorry if that's a bit tight, we just don't want it getting in the way". 

He pulled a wipe from a packet of antiseptic wipes. "Just giving it a little wipe, that's all" he said as he gently cleaned off the top of my arm. He pulled out a plaster and left it on the table beside him. He opened a box where I saw the tiny needle. My eyes started to well up with tears.

Louis noticed. "Hey, hey, you're alright darling," he reassured me. "I promise you, it'll be a tiny scratch and we'll be all done in a few seconds". I wiped the tears from my eyes as he put his hand on my arm. "Now my love, I need you to do your best to relax this arm as much as you can for me, that's it".

"Now you just look over at that picture there for me hon," he said, pointing to a picture of books and pens on the wall which was on the opposite side to him. "So what class have you got next love?" he asked. "Biolog-" tears formed in my eyes as I felt the prick of the needle.

"That's it, all done angel" Louis said as he pulled the needle away from me and pressed the plaster onto my arm. He handed me a piece of tissue and I wiped my eyes. "Sorry," I said. "I know how dramatic I am". He giggled. "Don't worry about it love, you wouldn't be my first cryer today". I smiled at him.

He took a packet of jellies out of a big tub and handed me it. "They'll keep your sugars up," he explained. "You feeling okay? Not feeling dizzy or lightheaded at all?" I shook my head. "Nope, I feel fine". 

"Alright darling, you're all good to go," he said, standing up from his chair. "If you start to feel dizzy or lightheaded just let one of the nurses outside know". He opened the curtain to let me out. "Thank you" I said, walking out. "No problem angel" he replied, smiling at me.

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