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Sketch lay in bed, he stared at the ceiling for hours. He didn't feel like getting up.
It's has been 5 years since they escaped prison.
5 years since they met and made a plan to escape.
5 years since they both talked about owning a bookstore.
And he still wanted more, he wanted a successful career and a nice place to live in.
But Sketch was still here, he was laying on his bed with nothing but a sweatpants.
He hasn't seen Denis in a while, it was the same situation as before. He was in his house and Denis was out, probably with one of his friends.
Denis and Sketch own the bookstore and it hasn't been going well.
No customer has came in and check out the book, now they're low on money.
He hated that annoyance he felt and he wanted to just bash his head against the wall.
His stomach twisted with guilt, his head spinning and the memory repeating itself over and over again.
The room was silent and the only sound was the water dripping down from outside.
He roll over and let out a sigh.
Sketch looked at the calendar on his phone, the day he was supposed to meet Denis was crossed off.
He felt like an idiot, he cancelled their meeting because of some stupid disagreement.
But he couldn't avoid him forever.
Today they had to open the bookstore together and he felt his heart drop knowing that they had to have a talk sooner or later.
But he didn't know if he was ready for it, not even close.

The day went by, he woke up and got dressed.
He took the bus and went straight to the bookstore.
It was decent, the red brick wall color was fading and the windows had fairy lights hang up.
"Here goes nothing."
He got his keys out and approached the door.
The keys tremble under his hand.
He pushed the key in and unlocked the door.
Sketch went inside, there were a couple shelves filled with books.
They also had a coffee shop section and the aroma of coffee hit his nose.
They spent a lot of money on each aisle.
He recalled the moment Denis first suggested it.

~~Flashback whoosh!!~~~
A year ago, Sketch and Denis sat down in front of a coffee shop.
They were both reading their book.
Sketch noticed how his eyes widened and the corner of his lips rose.
He chuckled at his reaction.
The book title was "The distance"
"Is the book interesting?"
Denis raise a brow and put the book down.
"No, Turns out the author made this book as a joke and the sequel won't even happen!" He shouted
Sketch had a genuine smile.
Denis stir his coffee and said.
"We should add more aisles to the bookstore, it might bring in more customers"
Sketch puff out his lips.
"I doubt we would have any customers! People rather read stories on a03 or Wattpad"
Sketch held his spoon and point it to Denis.
"They rather read weird fanfics about their favorite ships!"
Denis hated when Sketch disapprove his ideas.
"Come on! Just trust me"
He held Sketch hands.
"We have to at least try! We'll go bankrupt if we keep doing what we're doing!"
Denis pleaded.
Sketch was quiet, he was right and they do need more money...but they also need to spend money on it which might caused them to lose their job.
"I don't know..ugh I just- fine! we'll do it"
Denis ate his donut and hummed happily.
"You're not going to regret this!"
He said while eating.
~Flashbacks ended~

He did regret it.
Sure it draw in a few customers but it wasn't enough. He sat down in the sofa and regretted his choice quickly when he realized he was still wet from the rain.
He shivered, his eyes looked around and he felt the same anxiety he always had.
Sketch felt himself drowning in a puddle of his own thoughts.
He stood up and decided to go find a towel.
He open the drawer they had in the back room.
They usually keep cleaning supplies here.
Sketch grabbed the towel, it was small but it worked.
He dried himself and he felt a bit better, he was still shivering but it wasn't as bad.
The rain was getting harder, the window was hitting hard against the roof.
He sighed and tried to keep his mind on work, but all he could think about was having to talk to Denis.
"This is so out of character for me"
He whisper.
The sounds of the bell got his attention, his eyes darted back to the door.
Denis was holding a box that seems to got wet from the rain, he was wearing a scarf and a white beanie.
He felt awkward, he had cancelled all their meetings and now he has nowhere to hide.
Denis greeted, his voice was cold and monotone.
He set the box down and turn around.
He walk past Sketch and grabbed his stuff.
Sketch watched as Denis took off his coat.
"Come on! You can't be mad at me for something stupid"
"Sketch I'm not- I just..ugh!"
He lean against the bookshelf, he just stare at the wall.
"You cancel on me" Denis spoke softly.
Sketch felt his hand shaking and fill with sweat.
His stomach was twisting and his face turn red from humiliation.
He hated how his body react to the situation, it was so embarrassing.
He wanted to tell him the reason why, he was afraid and worried.
Sketch was afraid he would be left behind or that Denis would get sick of him.
He always stuck with him like a gum, they did everything together and told each other their secrets.
They were in prison together for fuck sake!
So why was this hard.
Every time they were together it has always been Denis & Sketch because Denis was the center of attention, he was everything and he couldn't live up to his expectations.
He shut his eyes and hope time will just pass.
He didn't want to talk about this, but Denis did.
Sketch could tell from his expression, his eyes were dull and his face was blank.
Denis was hurt.
Denis sat on the counter and let out a sigh.
Sketch felt guilt.
"I'm sorry"
Denis said, he looked ashamed of himself.
And that hurts him more, Denis was apologizing for something he didn't do and Sketch wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault and he would do anything to make it up to him but those words never came, he open his mouth but close it.
"I forgive you"
Those words felt wrong?
Saying them sounded wrong and he shouldn't be the one getting an apology.
Denis just nodded, he shuffled uncomfortably.
Both men were in a awkward silence.
They avoided eye contact and pretend that this was normal.
After a long moment of silence, Sketch was the first one to break it.
His hands were clenching the towel so hard that his knuckles were turning white.
"You want to help me clean the room, I need help with the boxes"
"Yeah sure"
Denis got off and walked beside him.
Once they entered the room their eyes widen.
The room was filled with papers scattered everywhere.
"You didn't clean up?"
"Uh no I didn't.."
Denis replied, he smiled sheepishly.
Sketch chuckles and began to pick up the paper in stack.
"So any new books you read?"
"Nah, I haven't found a book that caught my interest..you?"
Sketch shook his head.
Both of them continued to clean up, the room was looking better and they had more space to walk around.
After hours of working, the room was finally spotless.
He turn around and face Sketch.
Time just froze and all he wanted to do was say how sorry he was and how much he appreciated him.
"Nothing, just wanted to know if we could still do that meeting tomorrow?"
He wanted to slap himself.
He was an idiot.
Denis smiled, his eyes were bright again and it felt like things were back to normal.
"Yeah sounds good! Is it okay if I invite Sub?"
"Go for it! Just tell him to bring his own money because I'm not paying for you guys"
Denis laughed and put on his coat.
Sketch got his things and they walked out the bookstore together.
Maybe next time he'll be a better friend.
Maybe he'll actually apologize.
He wasn't sure about the last one, but it wouldn't hurt to try right?

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