Chapter 3

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Soft rustling pulled me out of my sleep. I groaned, but I ultimately felt better despite my back being sore. The heat helped a lot. Lifting my head, I scanned what I could see in the light, squinting at the man who was just on the edge of the darkness.

"Hello there, pet. Enjoy your nap?" He smiled, making me sick to my stomach when I saw it. He walked over to me and straddled me, running his fingers through my hair. "I brought you some food. Are you hungry?"

I looked at him, realizing I was hungry, very hungry. I realized I hadn't eaten since he kidnapped me. Time was a concept that was now foreign to me, and this man controlled everything.

"Come on, pet, answer me. Are you hungry?" He was so sweet, it seemed, but truthfully malicious. There was no love in this man's heart. I knew it was only lust. He wanted to use me for his enjoyment, as an object - a plaything. I shivered, just looking him over, barely hearing what he was saying as my mind raced. My fight or flight was starting to kick in, realizing what was going to happen again. I wouldn't let it happen.

He raised his hand, and brought it down on my cheek, scowling at me again. "When I ask you a question, you answer me, pet. Now answer me."

I gasped and growled back at him. "Yes, I'm hungry. You haven't fed me since I've been here. You've assaulted me and nearly killed me. And when my team gets a hold of you, they'll-" I was cut off by his hand squeezing my throat.

"Ungrateful little shit, aren't you? You need to learn the rules. You don't speak like that to me, ever. You will answer in simple and clear statements. You've made me angry, pet. And to think, I was going to feed you. Not now. Now, you'll get nothing. Your heat is being turned off and you will starve."

"Starving is better than living with your fucking abuse," I replied between my teeth as he clenched my neck.

"Then you can starve," he huffed, squeezing my neck harder. "You'll be begging me soon enough, and I will remember this. You've just made everything harder on yourself."

He let go of my neck, leaving me coughing as he got up off me. "You're sick," I coughed between my words. "Sick."

"My last pet said that to me too," he replied, shaking his head. "He's dead now. Be careful with your words."

I breathed out shakily, pulling against the chains, then yelping in pain as they pinched and broke the skin. Blood trickled from my wrists, and I looked up again. The man went into the darkness, then came back, pulling me up and taking the chair away. He pushed me hard against the concrete as I yelped out in pain. My head hit against the floor, and I was weakened by the blow. All I could hear was the pounding of my own heart as my head throbbed and I saw spots in my vision. Soon, I lost consciousness.


When I woke again, it was cold. I was cold and my head throbbed. Slowly sitting up, I reached to the back of my head. I could feel blood. It was sticky. I shuddered, curling into myself. I wasn't sure how long I'd been out, but I knew it was at least fifteen degrees colder than when I fell asleep. I leaned against the wall where my chains came out of, pulling my knees to my chest, and laying my forehead on them. I shuddered, but tried to keep as much warmth as I could, even without a shirt. My other clothes were mostly dry, so I wasn't losing heat as fast as before.

As the temperature continued to drop, I shivered, trying to conserve any heat I could. Hot tears fell from my eyes as I trembled, and I started to weep. My soft weeps soon turned into sobs, my face scrunching as I cried out. It would only get colder.

I felt hopeless, wrestling with the thoughts that raced through my pounding head. On one hand, I felt that this was so wrong - that no normal person should have to endure this type of pain and suffering. I felt like I didn't deserve the pain I was given. I asked why, crying out to anything that may have been listening in the dark. Why was I the one who had to take this kind of pain?

On the other hand, I knew I could make it easier for myself. Was I really too proud to just submit, even if I didn't like it? I was freezing, starving, and parched. What if I submitted to the man, called him master, and let him have me? What would my teammates, my brothers, think about that? They would laugh and think I was weak. Was survival what I really wanted? Or should I just let myself suffer to the point of death for my pride?

I thought about the man. I didn't want his sick affection. I wasn't gay and I wasn't inclined to become so, especially not for him. I shuddered as I thought of what the man may have wanted me to do, wondering if I could accept it in order to be taken care of properly. I sobbed harder into my knees, crying out for help, asking why, and wrestling with my own morality. 

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