Chapter 5

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The next time I woke, I felt something fuzzy and warm around my shoulders. I groaned, blinking awake and slowly lifting my head. My neck ached from being in the same position, but my muscles weren't as cramped anymore. It was still dark, aside from the light bulb, but I saw the man sitting over me in the chair. He hummed, leaning down and reaching out a hand to touch my cheek. I didn't resist. I was too afraid whatever was warming me would be taken away.

"You almost died, my sweet. I just couldn't bear to see such a pretty man die. You are more beautiful than those past. If only you would give yourself over to me, completely, all of your pain would go away."

I didn't know what to do. My mental anguish was so much. I started to cry, leaning into his touch on my cheek as my salty tears once again spilled over.

"Oh, baby don't cry. Your master is here to take care of you. If only you would let me."

I cried harder, wondering if I should just give up. Nothing meant anything to me anymore. I was so hopeless, and the man wouldn't let me die. Maybe I would just submit and have an easy life instead of one of torture. Just let him do whatever he wanted and accept it, since he wouldn't let me die. Then I would be warm. I would be fed. I might even be clothed.

He hummed and knelt down in front of me, stroking my cheek. He pushed my legs down, letting them lay flat on the ground, then opened his arms. "Alright, come here, baby. Come to your master. It's over now."

After a brief moment of hesitation, I pushed forward into the man's arms, deciding resistance was futile. I didn't want to know how long I'd been captive, and I didn't want to suffer any longer.

The man stroked my hair where my head had been bleeding as I cried into his neck. "Shh, it's alright now. Your master will take care of you. Be a good boy and I'll make sure you have everything you need."

I sobbed softly, shaking and wrapping my arms around his torso. I needed the touch. I wanted to feel safe again. I was at the mercy of this man, who wouldn't let me die. I'd lost hope of rescue now. Even if I were rescued, I felt as if I would die from the humiliation. They'd laugh at me for hugging the man, for wanting to feel safe again. They would think I was weak for wanting the pain to stop. I almost didn't want to be rescued for fear of what my brothers would think of me. At least my life with this man wouldn't be so tough if I complied. Maybe the pain would go away.

"Come on, let's go," he said softly, standing and helping me up. I trembled and leaned into him, letting out soft groans of pain. My entire body ached, and pain split through my muscles as I moved.

The warm thing over my shoulders fell to the ground, and I turned, reaching for it. "S-Sorry..." I mumbled, trying to grab it, but I lost my balance. I fell back to the concrete with a small yelp, sniffling and wiping my tears. I grabbed the warm thing, which turned out to be an electric blanket. I sat up on my knees and handed it to the man still standing above me.

"Thank you, pet. Good boy." The man took the blanket and pulled it out of the socket in the darkness. He wrapped the cord up and threw it over his shoulder. He helped me up once again. "Come on, pet, let's go."

I shivered and stood with his help, still cold and still in so much pain. I leaned into him again. He undid the chains around my wrists and supported me as we walked. The man helped me upstairs. I blinked as the light washed over me. It was brighter, and I could see it was daytime. It was extra bright compared to the dim bulb and darkness of the basement. I blinked rapidly but was unable to adjust quick enough. I was taken to a room and laid down on something soft. I still could barely see, and the man seemed to leave my side. I didn't mind, as it was much warmer there than in the basement.

As my eyes finally adjusted, I realized there were blackout curtains stapled over the windows. I shuddered, slowly sitting up. Looking around the room, I could see various things on the walls, some whips and chains and other things. I was shaken to the core, wondering what he would do to me. Was it going to be any better than freezing in that basement? I was on a small mattress of some kind, with plastic over it, then a sheet over that. I looked around for the man, but saw some pieces of equipment or furniture. The man was nowhere to be found.

I curled up on the mattress, just enjoying being in the heat after freezing for so long. I rubbed my eyes, tears still flowing from them. I wasn't sure if I was crying from relief from the torture or from the mental anguish of knowing I was giving myself up to this sick man.

He came back a few moments later, another granola bar in his hand and the other half of the bottle of water. I bit my lip and looked up at him, my stomach growling again on queue as I thought about any kind of sustenance. He looked down at me, just standing there with my survival in his hands. I let out a shaking breath, not moving. The man pointed at the ground in front of him. "Here, pet."

I stared for a moment before remembering the torture of the basement that I hadn't quite recovered from, squeezing my eyes shut in recollection. Slowly, I moved from the mattress, my breath quivering. I moved to him, sitting on my knees below him.

"Good boy," he said softly, opening the granola bar and giving me a small bite.

Tears spilled over again as I realized how absurd and sick this was. I was a pet to this man, who I didn't even know the name of. My shoulders shook with soft sobs, knowing I was alone and that nobody was looking for me. I was a slave to this man. A pet. A dog. Something I swore I wouldn't become.

"Oh, sweet pet, don't cry. What's wrong? Are you ungrateful for this?"

"N-No!" I replied quickly, wiping the tears from my face frantically. "N-No, sir..." I pushed my head down to look at the floor.

I heard the man above me laugh softly, then saw him crouch in front of me. "Okay, pet, I'll forgive you, because you added that last part on there. I quite like it. You should call me sir from now on."

"Y-Yes sir..."

"Good boy." He hummed and touched my cheek with his fingertips. "Look at you. So pretty. Are you going to behave?"

"Yes, sir," I repeated, leaning into his every touch. I longed for any gentle touch after all the torture.

"Good boy," he affirmed once more in that same, condescending tone. I didn't care, though. I just wanted to be taken care of. All of these things I had taken for granted before my capture, I needed them. Especially the kind touch. I leaned in closer to his touch, looking up at him. I wanted to beg, to push myself into his arms and be held. For now, this was all I would get.

The man got up, then dropping the rest of the granola bar on the floor along with the other half of the water bottle. "They're yours. Eat, pet. I have to go out."

I took the granola bar and water bottle, retreating to the mattress behind me. I curled up against the wall on it, looking up at him still and nodding slightly.

"Be good." With that, the man turned and left, locking the door with a soft click.

I ate the granola bar and drank the water quickly, as if I would never get another chance. It was over too soon, but I somehow let out a soft breath of relief. Laying back on the mattress, I closed my eyes, finally comfortable for the first time in a long time. I fell asleep, giving in to my exhaustion as my body was finally able to heal. 

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