Chapter 4

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I didn't know how long he left me there. Attempting to count the time in what felt like a void was useless. My fingers had started to go numb as the cold infected every part of my body. My nose was running, and my ears were freezing to the touch. I shivered, my muscles stiff and my body aching. My head had stopped pounding some time ago but was only replaced by my muscles constricting. My arms and legs felt like they were on the verge of cramping if I moved wrong.

The door opened and I heard his footsteps coming down to greet me. Once more, I thought of what I would do if he wanted something from me. Would I suffer more, or would I accept whatever he wanted so long as I was fed and warm? I looked up slightly, swallowing what was left of my saliva. My mouth was dry, and I felt like I was dying. Was I? My stomach growled in protest. I watched as he came over to me, then he knelt in front of me, looking me over, as if to mock me. He even had a coat and gloves on. His breath clouded out in front of him. I shivered and moved as far into myself as I could, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Have you learned your lesson, pet?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I want you to answer me nicely."

I let out a small whimper, one I hadn't meant to let escape. I parted my dry lips, letting out a breath. "Y-Yes..."

"Good. Remember your suffering. Remember how this feels. If you cross me again, it'll be worse." He pulled something from his pocket - a small granola bar and a bottle of water. He set them in front of me. "You haven't earned the heat yet, but I'll keep you alive." He smiled his sickening smile, as if he were doing me a favor. "Remember, necessities are a privilege, not a right."

I moved to reach for them, slowly, so as not to agitate my already aching muscles, but my hand was quickly slapped away, and I recoiled back, letting out a small yelp in pain, closing my eyes as tight as I could and gritting my teeth. As I recoiled too fast, my arm cramped up. Hot tears ran down my cheeks once more, and I looked to the man when I finally opened my eyes.

"You can eat only when I say to. You will wait until I say it is okay."

I took in a sharp breath of the frigid air, then let it out. The man came over and sat beside me this time. I looked to him, and he looked over my face. He reached over and took my hands with his.

"I only want to love you. When I first saw you, I knew you had to be mine... I wanted you so badly. You are beautiful." He then put his arm around me and sat with his body against mine, gently pulling me closer. He used his arm to massage out my cramped bicep.

It seemed like some kind of truthful confession and didn't have such a sick tone to it as before. This man was messed up in the head, but I didn't mind the warmth his body provided. For now, it was survival. How long would I go through this cycle? How long would I be a slave to this man in general? Would he be this kind to me if I behaved? Or was this a moment of weakness? I leaned in closer to his warmth, still shivering. He was still holding my hand with his free one. I shivered and pushed my face into his neck.

"Sweet pet," he hummed. "You're not getting out of punishment that easily. You must learn your lesson." He reached over and got the granola bar first, opening it and breaking off a piece, putting it to my lips. "Now eat."

I took the bite, chewing and swallowing quickly. I wanted more, realizing how hungry I was, looking up at him. I must have looked ragged and broken. At least, that was how I felt.

"Can't have you eating too fast now," he hummed, breaking off another small piece. "Here you go."

I ate it just as quick as the first, looking back to him, as if I were a dog begging for food. Was I? He called me "pet" a lot. Was that all I was degraded to? A starving, desperate animal, born to suffer? Did I lose my humanity already?

The man ran his fingers through my hair, leaning over to me and kissing my cheek. "See? Just be sweet to me. That's all I ask. You're here to love me, unconditionally."

I closed my eyes when he kissed my cheek, curling in further to his touch. I didn't know what to do. I was freezing, still hungry, and parched. All I could do was survive. Or was I a coward for submitting, even if it meant surviving? Would I be able to live with myself later? Perhaps dying was the better option. How close to death would it take for me to submit?

The man gave me the rest of the granola bar, one small bite at a time. Then, he let me sip the water slowly. It was cold, of course, but I barely cared. The way it wet my tongue was enough. He wouldn't let me take more than a few sips at a time. He let me drink about half the bottle before taking it away and standing, his heat gone instantly. I shivered again, curling into myself for any kind of warmth, moving slowly to avoid any more cramps. He took the other half of the water bottle with him, looking down at me. "I'll be back when you've learned your lesson. Be sweet, and perhaps I'll allow you to eat again, and finish this water."

Be sweet. The thought echoed in my head. I shuddered as he turned and left, holding closer to myself. Was that all being sweet was? Letting him touch me as he pleased? Could I handle that, or was I too stubborn and prideful? What if my brothers saw me now? I was weak. Was surviving worth the torture of his hands roaming my body? He had barely done anything to me, and yet, he made me question everything.

The fear of what he would make me do outweighed the fear of being tortured and starved, or did it? The man was playing a game, obviously, and he was winning. He made me question my whole existence. Everything about myself. I teared up again, weeping softly into my knees just as before. The torture was as much mental as it was physical, and I didn't know what to do. I was hopeless.

It only got colder in that basement, and soon, I was getting sleepy. I was tired in general, my body ached, and I figured I was dying. At this point, not having a choice, I didn't care if I died. Death was just a form of mercy. I slowly fell asleep, wondering if I would wake up. A small part of me hoped I wouldn't.

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