New beginnings pt 1

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As the warm sun shines into the air, a slightly old bus is seen on screen. The scene changes to inside the bus, where Sixteen young teenagers sit inside. Some conversing, others minding their business.

A Tan skinned male with light brown hair turns to his seatmate, deciding to make conversation.

"Sup, I'm Malik, what's your name?" The boy beside him merely rolls his eyes and ignores him. Eagerly Malik tries again.

"I was thinking of starting some early friendships, y'know before the show starts?" He tries again, this time getting a laugh from his seatmate.

"And why would I want to be friends with a Kung Fu wannabe? I have better things to do with my time than to waste it on you." The dark haired latino laughed in his face before going back to minding his own business.

Malik didn't give up though. "Okay…well if you won't tell me your name…can I at least know why you're here? Money? Fame? Fun?"  The middle eastern scooted closer to him, intentionally being obnoxious.

"Okay listen here martin or whatever your name is. You're my competition and as my competition, I plan to crush you beneath my feet. To me you're nothing but a small ant in my way. Now stop talking to me" His seatmate groaned.

This caused Malik to settle down a bit "okay then.." he looked away muttering a small "asshole" as he decided he was done talking to anyone on the bus for now.


"Welcome to Total drama Time Turmoil!" A dark skinned woman with white hair stands in front of a large golden gate beside a road path with an Italian man with dark hair and blue eyes.

"That's right! Your favorite show is back with all new faces, including us!" The man continues.

"We're your  hosts for this season. I'm Christina Ivanov!"
"And I'm Jackson Steele and this is…" the man pauses before both of them start

"Total! Drama! Time Turmoil!"


"Welcome back to Total drama Time Turmoil, we've got a lot on our hands today but first, let's meet our unfortunate group of contestants!" The bus pulls over at the side

"Jamal!" A tall African Canadian with dark brown braids stepped out, he wore climbing gear and went to high five the two hosts

"Yo! Christy, Jax, Thanks for the opportunity guys!" He smiles at them before going over to the side.

"Isabella!" A blonde haired blue eyed girl walked out before cringing.

"Why is it so dusty?" She fake gags
"... we're on a road" Jackson rolls his eyes before sending her to the side.

"Next up Aisha!" An African Canadian tomboy with braided black hair walks out giving both Jackson and Christina a quick nod before going to the other two.

"..Not much to say? Well okay. Diego!" The latino Sat on the bus earlier comes out and Malik could be seen glaring at him. He ignores the two hosts and goes to stand with the others.

"Geez, tough crowd. Umm who's next. Raj?" An Indian boy dressed in a black hoodie and glasses walks out shyly. He sends a small wave to the host before rushing to the others.

"Wow. Thanks for the content there Raj." Jackson says sarcastically. "Our next two have been best friends since birth, Javier and Katelyn!"

A guy with shaggy black hair and baggy clothing steps out.

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