Chapter 21

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The chilling air outside was no match for the warmth that emanated from the crackling fireplaces within the lake house. As the flames danced and flickered, casting soft, golden hues across the room, Joel meticulously lit each log, ensuring that the cozy ambiance enveloped every corner.

Wrapped in a plush blanket, you settled onto the soft rug in front of the fireplace, the flickering glow casting a gentle light on the pages of your newest book. Joel joined you, taking a seat nearby, eagerly anticipating your reading.

"You ready?" you asked, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you held up the book.

"Absolutely," Joel replied, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

Joel laid down and rested his head on your lap as you started reading the first page, his eyes closed trying to picture the scene. You couldn't help to look at him in awe.

The crackling of the fire seemed to harmonize with the cadence of your voice, creating a cozy symphony that filled the room. The warmth of the fire, the comfort of the rug, and the intimacy of the moment cocooned the two of you.

With every page turned and every chapter shared, the story unfolded, and Joel was drawn deeper into the narrative. Your voice carried the emotions of the characters, weaving a tale that resonated with both of you.

Once you finished the first two chapters Joel grabbed your book and left it on the rug before placing a gentle kiss on your baby bump.

Joel leaned back as he gazed at you with an unmistakable warmth in his eyes. "That was amazing, really," he said, his voice soft and sincere. "I'm proud of you."

You smiled, touched by his encouragement. "Thanks. It means a lot, coming from you."

He nodded, a flicker of admiration in his expression. "Your writing...You have a gift."

"It's taken a lot of work," you admitted, feeling a swell of gratitude for his support. "But having you here, listening to me read, means everything."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," he assured, his smile warm and genuine. "It's incredible to see how much you've achieved."

The aroma of fresh vegetables and seared salmon filled the air as you worked in the cozy cabin kitchen. You hummed softly to yourself, the melody dancing in sync with the sizzle of the pan.

The salmon fillets, seasoned to perfection, lay gracefully in the skillet, releasing a mouthwatering scent that wafted through the room. You carefully flipped them, letting the tender pink flesh cook evenly.

Chopped vegetables sizzled in another pan, a vibrant array of colors as they sautéed—carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, and zucchini. The sounds and scents were comforting, grounding you in the warmth of the kitchen.

Beside the stove, Joel set the table, his voice carrying snippets of conversation with his daughter, Sarah, over the phone. The occasional chuckle or nod indicated their easy camaraderie.

"Honey, when are you coming home for the holidays?" Joel asked as he looked at you, your gaze meeting his. "Alright. Let me know if I have to pick you up... Yeah, yeah, I told Uncle Tommy and Maria to come too. Okay, See you, honey, take care... Love ya'" Your stomach was fluttering at how caring and thoughtful he was with his daughter, and you couldn't wait to see him like that with your own.

It had been a surprise, but now you couldn't wait until your child was in your arms.

"Dinner's ready!" you exclaimed as you fished plating the dishes.

The serene atmosphere of the cabin invited a sense of intimacy as you and Joel settled at the table. The soft, flickering light of the fire cast dancing shadows across the rustic wooden interior, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.

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