Chapter 1

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A muggy staleness hung in the sunset air. In downtown Zootopia, the waning orange sunlight glowed on a forest of skyscrapers. The dying light obscured their growing cracks.

This was a forest with no canopy. Instead, the residents of Zootopia found shade in the space between buildings. These were slim alleyways paved with hard asphalt. In winter, the ground underfoot froze; in summer, it scorched.

An orange tabby scurried into one such alleyway. Darkness ensconced the alley, yet the cat's brilliant fur illuminated him. He was clad in an open white shirt and patched khaki pants. His arms and legs were lean, but a potbelly hung over his pants and jut out from his shirt. He leaned towards the opening of the alleyway. "Pssst!"

A chubby little rat clambered into the alley. She wore a tattered dress that exposed much of her full breasts and her chunky, growling gut. She stood next to the cat at half of his height. She said, with a nasally, scratchy voice, "Alright, where's my half?"

The cat nodded. He responded with a silken tone. "Let me go grab it." He turned away from the rat. Suddenly, his forepaw swept down and nabbed the rat by the scruff of her neck. He looked back to her with a grin full of sharp teeth.

The rat swayed in his grip, jerking her limbs in a struggle to escape. It was no use. "What's the big idea?!" As she flailed, her fleshy body wobbled.

The cat licked his lips. "Well, the bad news is, I ate your half. The good news is, you're about to find it." He stretched his jaw wide and tossed the rat right in.

She screamed on the way down.

The cat gulped her down. He worked the pudgy lump down his throat and into his gut. His belly bowed out, bloating like a taut balloon. He patted his stomach and let out a satisfied burp. "Ahhh."

A deep voice called out from nowhere. "That wasn't nice."

The cat froze and cowered, fur standing on end. "Wh-who's there?!"

A buff dobermann stepped out from the back of the alleyway. Her black fur and leather jacket seemingly dripped out of the impregnable darkness at the alley's depths. She walked forward on legs of bulky muscle, wearing torn jeans. She swung thick, powerful arms. Her fat belly bulged wide with imposing adipose. Her round breasts jiggled in her open jacket.

The cat turned to run.

The dobermann's impossibly long arm grabbed his neck. She lifted him off the ground like he was a doll.

His legs kicked. He clawed at her arm and tore open her sleeve.

She looked to her sleeve with a sigh. "I just got this, too." Her maw slacked open, and she jammed the cat's head into her mouth.

He clawed at her to no avail.

The dobermann stretched her other forepaw between the cat's legs and under his butt. She pumped her bicep and pushed up, cramming the cat into her mouth. His fat belly jammed against her lips, so she pounded his butt with her fist to force it inside her mouth. She punched him down her esophagus and into her gut. His hindpaws passed between her lips.

Her belly jerked side to side of its own accord. Bumps protruded out from her stomach as if something fought to get out. She stroked her middle with pride. "Love a good URP!--squirmer."

* * * * *

A lone airplane approached the skies over Zootopia. It was a sleek craft of shining white. In the clear evening weather, it flew straight and confident.

The belly of the plane was a conference room. Normally used for preparatory meetings, it was now filled with nervous officials. The room was carpeted with a stately green, and a variety of animals sat around an oblong oakwood desk. At its head sat a rotund bovine with white-and-black hide.

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