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"Red and Blue"

Roses are red,
You made my heart bleed
I wanna choke you to death
And sip that bloody red

Violets are blue
Let me give something to you,
It's your dead body,
Who's already blue

Roses aren't all red
And Violets will never be blue
So honey don't make such a move
Or I might kill you

My tainted heart will not make a fuss
But dear, my anger will make you tremble
Like a pitiful dog on the street
That has been stuck on a truck's wheel

Scared and trembling,
Screaming for help
But no one would dare to

That's what you would be
If you steal my eyes,
Make me red
And make me blue in the end


• Plagiarism is a crime
• Accepts criticism
• Open for dedications/requests

This is the longest poem I've ever made

Started and Finished :: December 06, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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