Prolouge: Scott pilgrim's precious little life: Part 1.

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The scene opened to show tracks on a sandy like surface, the camera panned up to show a guy in the distance walking to no destination in particular, the sky above him wasn't exactly the sky, but what looked like space, stars shone and you could see the moon and its crators perfectly.

The guy had tan hair, wore a Grey shirt and jeans.

The guy had tan hair, wore a Grey shirt and jeans

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?- I'm so.....alone.

The guy kept walking as he seemed like he was struggling before falling to his hands and knees out of exhaustion, he then looked in confusion as he saw what looked like someone...skating towards him. The person soared across the ground before reaching him, the dust clearing around them to reveal a girl with bright pink and purple hair, wearing a brown jacket, goggles and blue jeans, a pair of rollerskates strapped to her feet. The guy looked up at her with awe and confusion.

?- The girl of my dreams?.

The girl skated up to him, his reflection bouncing off her goggles as she stared at him emotionlessly.

?- It's time to wake up dude.

She then began to skate off as the world seemed to flip upside-down.

" Reality".

?- GAH.

The guy shot up in his bed, slowly getting used to his surroundings.

"Scott pilgrim, 23 years old, he just woke up".

Scott- I had a dream about that girl again.

He then sighed as he plopped down onto the bed, the guy next to him groaning in annoyance, he had had black hair and was wearing a Grey t-shirt and boxers.

He then sighed as he plopped down onto the bed, the guy next to him groaning in annoyance, he had had black hair and was wearing a Grey t-shirt and boxers

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?- I didn't care the first time you told me, care even less now.

He looks over to see Scott back asleep with a nose bubble inflating and deflating and him holding his pillow, he grumbs as he snatches it back and pulls the blankets back over to his side.

Scott pilgrim takes off: Ready player 2.Where stories live. Discover now