Chapter 1: Scott pilgrims precious little life, part 2.

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" Back at the park".

Scott zipped up his jacket as he walked after Ramona.

Scott- Do you ice skate, I assumed, considering you Rollerblade.

Ramona- I did figure skating when I was four "chuckles" ah, look at that, you got me talking about the past again, your quite the trickster Scott pilgrim.

They walk down the nearby stairs and stop at the crosswalk.

Scott- and I wasn't even trying.

They head down the street as the wind and snow began to come down harder, Scott even began to shiver.


She had to speak up to be heard as the wind began to howl, Scott looked over to see it was too blurry to see anything.


Ramona- Relax, take my hand.

She held out her hand as Scott grabbed onto it for dear life.

Ramona- There should be a door around here.

They kept walking as Scott looked ahead to see in the middle of the road what looked like a door, a star symbol above it, Ramona pulled him towards it as they seemed to start floating towards it, slowly it opened as they touched down in what looked like the entrance hallway of an apartment.

Scott bumped into Ramona, then shuffled back as he blushed, Ramona pur her bag down and began to take off her jacket as Scott looked around, on the stairs was a Grey cat with big yellow eyes, it licked its arm before bolting up the stairs.

Scott- This is your apartment, so, that star door, one of your space subways?.

Ramona slipped off her jacket and placed it on the wall mounted coat hanger.

Ramona- basically, yeah.

Scott- "slips his jacket off" good thing this isn't a real date, otherwise, it would qualify as a major disaster.

Ramona chuckled as she slipped off her shoes and stood up.

Ramona- I'll make us some tea.

Ramona is then seen pouring some boiling water into some cups on the table in the kitchen, Scott was on a chair, shaking, his teeth chattering, ramona was setting an egg timer when she looked over at scott.

Ramona- you look like your dying, let me get you a blanket.

She walked off upstairs, leaving Scott alone. He stared after her ad the egg timer ticked down, he waited for a minute, but she still didn't come back, he kept looking around till he got up and headed upstairs to go check on her.

He walked upstairs and turned into the open door room.....TO SEE HER TAKING OFF HER SHIRT, leaving her in just her bra.

Scott- 0-0 "blushes hard".

Ramona- dude, I'm changing.

Scott- SORRY " Covers eyes with hands" IM JUST COLD AND INNOCENT-

(A/n- press x to doubt).

Scott- -there you go, now I can't see anything, that's better.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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