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"Sweetheart, just have a look at the moon today. Isn't it gleaming with all those alluringly twinkling stars? I think, my dear, they are rejoicing yours being with me today.", he exclaimed looking at the moon, her fingers entwined with his.

Suddenly, he turned around to look at her, gazing deep into her eyes, "The silvery moonlight on your gorgeous face is the very definition of divinity. I simply cannot stop admiring your innocent beauty.", he whispered.

She smiled gently, caressing his face with her fingers, a beautiful pink blush tainting her face.

"You must stop praising me baby. I am just happy to share these moments with you. All of this, yours being with me, we being here together, it all seems like a dream. A beautiful dream." 

He had a full-blown grin on his face at her words.

She laid her head on his shoulder and watched the full moon adorning the dark skies.

"You know what we must do babe?", he said, all the while looking at her.

She turned to look at him with a smile only to find fangs extended in the place where she was used to see his lips lit up in a smile.

"What sort of a prank is this honey? Please remove those things. You are scaring me.", she almost screamed in a horrified tone, her heart beating erratically.

He chuckled darkly.

"My naïve little sweetheart, how can I remove these beautiful fangs which I shall be shortly using to drink your sweet blood. We vampires cannot do without them. Oh, did I scare you? My poor baby. Don't worry, this won't last long. You would not even live to remember anything.", he muttered the last part with a saccharine smile.

She could not believe her ears. 

The shock of all these events took a toll on her body. She fainted.

'Stupid little human. Made my task even more simple. No screams and shrieks now."

He simply took her limp body within his arms, baring her wrist to him before his fangs broke through her delicate skin.

He smiled in satisfaction after he had sucked every drop of her blood. She was special, his hundredth victim.

Looking at her pale corpse, he whispered, "Not all dreams are sweet my dear. Some are nightmares, just like me, your nightmare."

So, how was this scary vampire?

Do let me know in your comments!

And, don't forget to VOTE and share!!

See you later :)

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