'Two' Remembering

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''Help! Help!'' He yelled and cried while he was sucked in the portal and he was in such fear that he might not get out.

Stuck in Forgiveness and Forget

Poland's Point of View

I stopped yelling and begging for help and suddenly passed out while I was stuck in the portal.

Hours passed and I woke up finding myself laying down on a bed in somewhat that looked like a military room. Groaning, I sat on the bed rubbing my eyes and stretching my back, I looked around to see military men exercising, eating, and others talking to each other. ''Excuse me... Where am I..?'' I'd ask one of the military men next to me and he looked at me, my eyes widened as soon as I realized that the guy next to me was Ukraine. He looked like he was sick and in fear so I poked him which made him shriek and look at me.

''Raine?'' I asked him and he suddenly hid himself under his blanket, ''Hey, kid! Don't go near that guy, he's crazy.'' One of the military men yelled at me but I clearly did not care and I sat down next to Ukraine who was in complete fear. ''What's wrong Raine?'' I asked and slowly lifted the blanket up to see him crying and wiping his tears away. ''You've gotta get me out of here!'' Ukraine grabbed onto my shoulders and he cried even harder. I grab a towel from my pocket and wipe Ukraine's tears away trying to calm him down from crying. ''I don't wanna serve the military anymore, help me!'' He kept on yelling that he wanted to go home and not stay in this place anymore. 'So this is a military huh..' I thought to myself and looked at Ukraine, I suddenly realized and immediately asked Ukraine an important question to me''What year is it, Raine?'' Ukraine stopped crying for a moment and looked up at me. ''1941.. Why?..'' My heart suddenly thumped fastly and I looked around, I looked out of the window to see military men all around. I breathed heavily and suddenly passed out again.

Ukraine shrieked and immediately placed me on my bed. ''Wake up, wake up!'' Ukraine moved me around and I suddenly opened my eyes, I sat on the bed and I held onto my own chest. ''Is it really.. 1941..?'' I looked at Ukraine and he nodded while I kept on worrying and worrying thinking about the things that will happen. ''The Major General is here! '' An unknown military member yelled and everyone immediately stood straight behind their beds so I did the same.

I looked at the Major General and realized that it was Britain, he looked so strict and handsome at the same time but I decided to let it go for now. ''You!'' Britain pointed at me. ''Yes, sir?'' I responded and he immediately grabbed my hat then gave me another one, I looked at the hat which had a symbol Master Warrant Officer. Everyone clapped their hands and I tilted my head in curiosity. ''Congratulations on becoming the highest rank of Warrant Officers.'' My eyes widened in surprise and I realized that the past me attended a training yesterday while I was in the future. I just played along and smiled thanking everyone. ''Everyone prepare for war later, it shall start in five hours.'' Britain announced and left the quarters. Ukraine looked at me with a smile and I was clearly confused ''Congrats, Poland!'' He congratulated me which made me smile too.

Hours passed

I was just enjoying my time talking to Ukraine but someone suddenly yelled. ''Everyone, we need to go to war! '' A private yelled and everyone stood up, Ukraine gave me a smile and tilted his head trying to tell me something. I suddenly realized that I'm going to be the one to lead the march so I stood in front of everyone and tried to remember how I used to lead marches before. ''Alright uh.. Center, face!'' My voice shaked while commanding March since I kind of forgot how to command in marching. ''Prepare, Forwards.. March!'' I marched to the place where the war starts. ''Not bad!'' Ukraine spoke and I just thanked him with a soft smile.

The war started and there were gunshots, dead bodies, and blood all over the place. I had a hard time trying to shoot since I forgot when's the last time I held a gun, I had to reload but had no ammo left so I ran to the barracks to get more ammo but suddenly bumped into someone. I realized it was America. ''What the hell do you think your doing!'' He yelled at me and pointed a gun at my head.

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