Act 2 - Part 3 - Footsteps in the Snow

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The girl who was always so bothered by the cold was suddenly immune to it. If she were to look at herself in the mirror she would see blue lips and frostbitten fingers, but all pain and discomfort were insignificant to the mere possibility that Diluc was somewhere out there in the night being hunted by a Harbinger.

It was a miracle that the wind was mild and that the night air was free from any fallen snow since Childe's footsteps were still fresh and preserved it the snow left from a previous day's blizzard, marking a clear path for her to follow. She sprinted faster than she had ever before, and her lungs seemed to be begging her to stop, but she refused to give in as her desperation powered through the pain.

Words could no longer adequately describe Lilia's current feelings for Diluc. He was front and center of nearly of all of her fondest memories. He was so much more than her first friend and her first love. He was one of the few people who deeply understood everything about her. He was there for her at her lowest, always willing to extend a helping hand. Deep down Lilia knew that no matter the distance, the two of their fates would always be somehow intertwined regardless on their separate paths. No matter how far she runs from him, there would always be some invisible thread connecting the two of them. He meant the entire world to Lilia as a child, and although she had moved on to a new life, a designated spot in her heart would forever be reserved for Diluc.

Images of Diluc lying deep in heavy snow in this foreign land covered in blood as Childe towered over his broken body with a maniacal grin painted her mind nonstop, so Lilia pushed back frantic tears and bit back sobs as she pushed forward, never losing track of Childe's footsteps.

She had long left the borders of Morepesok and she was now deep in the woods, far from any place she was familiar with. These were the woods that Ajax had once lost his way in, never to be the same again, and Lilia had a gut feeling that she would not escape these woods the same person. Nonetheless, none of that mattered in the slightest with the looming dread of what she would discover when she reached the end of the path left by the footsteps in the snow.

She began hearing noises. Faint at first, but the further she ran, the more distinct they became. Blades clashing, echos left behind from the blasts of elemental energy, shouts of soldiers, all clear indicators of conflict. By now tears had cascaded down her face and her stomach was knotted in utter terror.

Just up ahead she could see a clearing in the woods; all she needed to do was reach the end of the seemingly never ending rows of towering trees. As her feet finally carried her to her final destination, she looked out at the devastating scene in front of her.

A roaring bird of flame, Diluc's Pyro phoenix surged forward knocking back row after row of Fatui foot soldiers. He stood limply, body hunched painfully over his claymore and he struggled to stand. As the phoenix disappeared in the frigid air, the last of Diluc's strength seemed to give in as he collapsed into the snow. Lilia let out a guttural scream of horror. Through the chaos and her tears, Lilia only barely managed to see three figures standing over Diluc's limp body. At the center of the three was Tartaglia, his face and clothes covered in blood that Lilia could only assume belonged to Diluc. With no hesitation, Lilia's lover raised his blade, ready to strike straight into Diluc's heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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