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"...He really Abandoned me...."

"He did..."
I continued rubbing her back Comfortingly...She continued to cry on my Chest as i held her Close and Tight.

"....Hey, How about we go get some food?...."

I got dressed in my Clothes that perfectly hid my identity while Suitcase was still wearing the same clothes from the start of season 2....
"...Here....Take this...."

I handed her a new pair of clothes that i havent worn in a while and waited for her to finish getting dressed
"...Taco....I-i might need help...."

I walked over the her who struggled putting her pants on....I'm surprised she actually managed to put her top on...


I finally finished helping her with her pants, I was surprised she's only wearing crocs to be honest...Well i mean, They are super comfortable....But still...

We walked over to the city and i saw Suitcases reaction...
"...Wow....I-it's been a long time since i've seen the city again...."

"That's what isolation does to you...."
I look away slightly but she then nudged me gently making me grin....W-wait....W-WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?! I DONT LIKE HER!!...Okay maybe i do....Y-YOU HEARD NOTHING!!!

We walked to a nearby McWingulls and ordered a couple burgers with fries, We walked outside to eat them but someone recognised us....


"....What do you want?...."

"...Nothing...Just wanted to congratulate you for getting a New girlfriend...I'm surprised you even got one after Mi-

I yelled before grabbing Suitcase and leaving, I felt angry at Pickle...He used to be my Best friend and Boyfriend....And now he's against me...All because He Couldnt wait any longer for me to come home....

We got back to the cave and i didnt feel like eating again...
"...What's wrong?...You're not gonna join me?"

"...I'm not hungry..."

"....I-i'm not eating until you're eating...."
My eyes slightly widened....Is she really gonna starve herself until I eat?....that's...Actually really....Sweet....

I sighed and grabbed my Burger before taking a bite out of it, She did the same thing and i smiled softly...This is actually the first time i've had a friend who cared or even WAS normal....

After we finished the mcdonalds meal, I didnt eat my fries as i gave it to Suitcase.......I watched Suitcase sit on the floor next to the wall....

I rolled my eyes and sat next to he-....

What the hell am i getting myself into?

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....What the hell am i getting myself into?.....I-i'm not supposed to feel this....I-i'm crossing out of lineif this goes any further.....T-this is not part of my Program...

Friend? (Inanimate Insanity Tacocase)Where stories live. Discover now