5- dead brother ❗️vent❗️

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TW, Miscarriage, Death

So basically a few months before my mum got pregnant with me she just had a miscarriage, and that was my brother who would have been like a year older than me, but I guess what- I was the second attempt bc my brother didn't make it, died the day be was born.

I'm obviously not okay- being the second attempt, and the fact that he would've been the only sibling I would share both the same mother and father, bc my siblings either have a diff mum or diff dad so- big L for me. But growing up I never felt like 1 person I always felt like 2, even before my mum told me about my brother I always sensed this weird connection, like a sibling and when my mum told about it, I was 8 so I didn't really piece it together then.

When I was 13 I was up one night pulling all nighters like I still do and uhhh, I was thinking about myself and how I'm the second attempt of a brother who didn't make it and even though my mum ended up giving birth to a girl still got a son after all- and I'm realizing my dad never loved me when he came to visit me. he wasn't like that with his step sons though- just me. I cut off contact with him when I was 11 but that's for another story. Wooooooooo.

yea anyways I'm not okay 💀💀

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