Chapter one: Arival

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I licked my lips, staring at my knuckles. "Why'd you punch the desktop?" I questioned. My mum, sighed rubbing her eye. "I'm just frustrated." She sighed.

"Let me see it." She hesitated, but then gave in giving me her hand. I scanned the wounds, pursing my lips every now and then. "It's not bad." I clasped my free hand over hers, breathing heavily as my veins turned black.

I panted, slowly pulling away. "What'd you do?" She asked. I stutter up a lie, fiddling with my fingers. "It's a known legend that human contact can rid pain." My mom stared at me, fiddling with the pen.

I averted my gaze towards a bunch of files on the table. "What're you doing?" I asked. She sighed, running her hands through her hair. "You remember when you were younger right? You remember the Stilinski's? Well, I'm thinking about moving to Beacon Hills. Mean while here in Texas, I need to finish working." I already caught on.

I guess that was my story, I nervously bit my lip hoping that I had the right address. I walked on the porch taking on final deep breath. "Damn it Stiles! She can be here at any moment." I heard my uncle yell. "Okay! It's up!" Stiles replied.

I knocked gently, smiling to myself. John opened the door pulling me into a tight hug. I grinned hugging Stiles too. My grin widened as soon as my eyes met a poster tapped above the living room doorway. "Hi." A deep voice sounds, I glance up awkwardly meeting the eyes of a tanned boy with a crooked jaw.

I smiled widely realizing who it was. "Scott!" I grinned widely jumping in his arms. There was a long pause, his arms were still at his side still not knowing what to do. "Kelly Mayor." Stiles said, I heard Scotts heartbeat rise. "Oh my god, Kelly?" I smiled hugging the cinnamon scented boy.

I've had a crush on him since kindergarten. But it faded. Yeah, it faded. "Oh god, I missed you!" I felt him smile. "I missed you too. Never thought you were werewolf material. Let alone an Alpha." I whispered pulling away. "How'd you know?" Scott breathed. I rolled my eyes at him and shone my yellow eyes making sure John didn't see.

"You're a Beta." Stiles said standing beside Scott while John was getting something from the kitchen. "Omega." I corrected. Scott furrowed his brows, Stiles opened his mouth to say something but John walked in holding a tray of freshly made cookies.

I sighed, parking Stiles jeep. "See? You did it!" Stiles smiled. My heart started to race as I stared at all the teenagers gathering around the school.

"I can't do this." I leaned back in the chair. Suddenly the door yanked open and I was pulled out of the car by a familiar strawberry blond. "Lyd's? Oh my god!" I grinned pulling her into my tight embrace. She was still short, although I wasn't the tallest either.

"Jesus, look how hotter you've became!" Lydia pulled away stepping back to look at me. My gaze met a brunette, she awkwardly smiled. I grinned widely pulling her into a hug too. "Any friend of Lyd's is a friend of mine. The names Kelly Mayor." I pulled away. Scott pulled up beside Stiles' he hopped of his dirt bike placing his helmet on the handles.

He walked over, standing beside Stiles. His eyes wandered up my body and met my eyes. Scratching the back of his neck nervously he smiled sheepishly. "Kell, you look. Gorgeous." He smiled. I bit my lip holding back a smile. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and the sweat filling my palms.

"Why'd you move to Beacon Hills?"  Allison asked. I smiled and shrugged. "Heard there was an Alpha." I winked. There was a familiar stinging in my fingers, I glanced down and noticed my growing claws. "Kell?" Stiles said, I didn't say anything. I just stared at my extended nails.


It'll be like biking in the darkness, for the rest of your life.

I remember Luther saying that, it was when he was the Healer of the supernatural. It was the time I was searching for the kids very young ones, and where they were being killed for the Phoenix's powers.

I was the only one who did it. I was the only one who experienced what they did. Died. Texas was a huge pool of supernatural beings. I tried to scratch Stiles car window but no mark. I looked up at Stiles.

But only met the eyes of a little girls who life I couldn't save. I shook my head. Stiles face settling in. "Sorry, I just thought I was turning." That was the last thing we said before we split up. I walked past a student then the room suddenly turned dark. Trees sprouted from the lockers. I licked my lips and followed the dirt trail.

"Kelly!" I spun my head around looking for the small voice. "Help me!" I ran faster searching for the source. "Please!" The voice yelled, my feet started working till I found the voice behind an abandoned store. I shoved the doors open only to bump into a figure. "Kelly?" I blinked rapidly staring at Scott.

"Is happening to you too, isn't it?" I gulped, confused. "You did the sacrifice." I nodded my grip on my backpack tightening. "Why? H-How?" Scott asked.

"kids went missing. Luther. Rumour has it, he's the bridge between the supernatural and humans. I was the only one who could help, Luther did a sacrifice. I was dead for 12 hours, long story short I had a flashback to when I was bitten. I fell in a hole and was trapped there, by an Alpha. It bit me. The kids were being killed in the hole." I clicked my tongue.

"Did you find the kids?" Stiles pushed. "I saved sixteen of them." Scott smiled brightly at my response. "The rest were dead." I rubbed my eyes tyring to avoid the image creeping in my mind. "What took it?" Lydia asked, I stared at her for a moment.

"Luther called it, a dark Phoenix. It would kill people and regenerate on their ashes. Mainly kids because they hold more energy then teens and adults. It was killed days later by an Alpha." The pack was quiet for a while.

Lydia smirked kicking her bottom lip. "Guess who's no longer the crazy one." I smiled. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" She shrugged. "We aren't crazy." Allison shook her head.

"Hallucinations, paralyzation? Yeah you guys are fine." She winked. "It's just the side effects of dying and coming back to life, right?" I licked my bottom lip.

"We all keep an eye on each other." Scott nodded. The warning bell went, I followed my schedule and locker number. I finished my combination, throwing my backpack in my locker and grabbing my books for history class.

I walked in and smiled when Scott mentioned me to sit behind him.

"You probably don't know my daughter Kira Yukimura considering she hasn't brought any friends home." Mr. Yukimura added. "Kelly Mayor, is our new student." I smiled faintly at the teacher. There was a bang, Scott turned around staring at the new girl mesmerized. My stomach turned, a burning feeling in my stomach.

I'm hungry I guess.

Scott smiled lightly at the black haired girl. I turned around and smiled at Kira. "I'm Kelly." She returned the smile.

"Friends?" She bit her lip. "Friends." Kira was shifting uncomfortably, as a few guys stared at her. I took her hand in mine squeezing it lightly. "You might be regretting this friendship, no backing out now." She let out a small giggle.

A while back I said I was going to post a Teen Wolf fanfiction but I never really found the

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