Chapter Three: Malia?

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Stiles, sat in the front with his Dad. While Scott and I were in the back. Sheriff filled us in on how a girl went missing for 8 years after a car crash. She's still missing, Sheriff thinks that it was a werewolf attack because it happened on a full moon. "So, tell me about Texas?" Scott shuffled in his seat turning to me. I smiled turning to face him.

"Alright, let's start back to when I was bitten, it was after school. I was coming back from track, didn't really pay attention to where I was going. There was a loud scream, I started running my fastest but the thing was faster. But me being the clumsy cluts I am, I fell in a hole. The Alpha found me, cornered me in the hole and bit me." I shuddered remembering the awful memory.

"Luther's kind of like your Deaton. There was a lot of supernatural crap that happened in Texas. I wasn't the only who who stopped it though, but they weren't my friends. I haven't told my mum though, after my dad passed. I couldn't throw anymore stress on her." I sighed trying to stop my trembling hand.

I cursed under my breath, Scotts hand rested on mine warming my hand. I met Scott's gaze, he gave me a small smile causing heat to rush to my cheeks. "We're here!" Stiles basically yelled. Scott slowly removed his hand from mine and climbed out the care.

"Get it together Kelly!" I whispered to myself.

Scott took a hold of the door, sighing deeply. He pulled it open, smiling probably at the fact that it didn't creak.

Sheriff's plan was for the three of us to sneak into the Tates house and try to catch a scent on Malia, but in order to do that we had to sneak in. Sheriff was in the front, distracting Mr.Tate.

I stepped in looking around the room, toys everywhere. The bed was still messed up just as if Malia had woken up in it this morning. I sighed smiling at her stuff animals. "Here." Stiles said throwing a teddy bear my way.

I held it to my nose, taking a huge inhale. I shook my head, I couldn't catch any scent, only dust and fake fur. "Check this out." Scott mentioned for the two of us to stand beside him.

I stood behind him, standing on my tippy toes to try and get a better look. Two girls who I supposed are sister sat beside each other smiling brightly. The girl in the blue jacket was holding the teddy bear I had. "Must be the two girls Sheriff was talking about? Malia and her sister." Scott said.

I sighed deeply getting ready to sniff like I never sniffed before. I turned around stopping dead in my tracks, a big dog stared at me, dumbfounded.

"Ah shit." The two boys turned around holding their breaths as they eyed the dog. I nudged Scott, my eyes still focused on the dog. "Do something! Be the Alpha." Scott strutted up an excuse.

"I don't know what to do." He shrugged. "I'm gonna roar at it." I threatened. Scott sighed and pulled me behind him shining his red eyes, the dog barked loudly. Stiles jumped back.

Mr. Tate yelled from the living room for it to shut up, the dog stopped barking and sat up it titled it's head at us and turned around walking off forgetting about us completely. Rude.

"Scott get a scent fast so we can get out of here." Scott shook his head tossing the stuffed lion on the bed. "I can't get anything but that dog." I nodded in agreement tossing the teddy bear.

"Lets leave while we still can." I said, pushing the door open and finding my way to the car. Scott and Stiles trailed behind me. I stopped for a moment whipping my head to the trees.

"Kelly?" I zoned out, focusing my hearing in the forest. A steady but alarmed heartbeat was bumping. Suddenly a pair of bright blue eyes caught Scott's attention. That was enough to send him running.

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