Chapter 2

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Lauren was discharged yesterday. If I told you I was scared, I would be lying.

I'm terrified.

Right now I'm lying her in her bed, our legs intertwined, her head on my chest, our fingers interlocked on my stomach, and I'm stroking her hair.

she's peacefully sleeping, and all I can think about is how much I love her. The thought of losing her keeps slipping it's way into my mind, and I'm just about ready to cry my eyes out.

I know she has to go to the institution in Texas, it's the only way she'll get better, but I just can't imagine waking up and going to school and not seeing her beautiful eyes, and her beautiful smile to greet me. I keep telling myself maybe I fell for her to fast. Maybe what's best for her is to end all of this so she can focus on getting better...But I can't.

I watch movies, I read books, I know how things like this turn out. If I break up with her, and tell her it's for the best, she won't get better she'll get worse, and I'll just be hurting myself in the process.

But I have to let her go.

You know what people say. "If you love something's let it go." and it's true, I love her so much that I need to let her go and get the help she needs. But just because I'm letting her go, doesn't mean I'm giving up on her.

It's scary. It's scary how you fall for someone and you end up on depending not them so much. It's weird though because you never notice how much you depend on them until they arnt there for you to depend on.

I was broken out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated. It was from my mom.

Hey honey what are you girls doing? -M

Lauren is sleeping so I'm just laying with her -D

Hey mom can I ask you something? -D

I have to get this off my chest it's been eating at me for days, I feel like I'm gonna explode if I don't tell someone.

Of course sweets -M

Okay well you know how Lauren is going to the institution in Texas in two days...Well she's going to find her true self again so she can be the happy Lauren she used to be, but what if once she's better she realizes she's not in love with me anymore? -D

Dinah that's ridiculous! I see they way she looks at you, her eyes are filled with love and passion. Lauren loves you, a stranger can tell just by looking at you two. Yes Lauren is going to Texas so she can get better and be the real Lauren, but the truth is when Lauren is with you the true Lauren makes an appearance, Clara even told me she sees it aswell, so don't worry about it. -M

Thanks so much mom, I love you -D

Iocked my phone and set it on the night stand. I looked down at my girlfriend and was met with her beautiful green eyes.

"why hello there Sleeping Beauty."

Lauren didn't say anything, instead she buried her head in the crook of my neck. I kissed the top of her head.

"I love you, you know that?" Lauren said against my neck sending chills down my body.

"That I do, I love you too." I kissed her head once again. Lauren look up at me and then down at my lips. I leaned down and connected our lips in a slow but passionate kiss.

Lauren pushed my shoulders back so she could get on top of me. I put my hands on her waist and kissed her so she knew just how much I love her.

Lauren started licking my bottom lip asking for permission to enter but I decided I tease her for a while.

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