Chapter 5: Screw Corporal Buzzkill

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The military base is shrouded in darkness, and as I step outside, the crisp air hits my face. The vast expanse of the sky stretches above, adorned with a myriad of stars, each one a distant beacon in the cosmic sea.

I find a quiet spot near the perimeter fence, away from the bustling activity of soldiers preparing for the mission. I lean against the cold metal of the fence and gaze up at the vastness above. The stars, like pinpricks of hope, twinkle overhead, creating a celestial canvas that momentarily transports me from the impending mission.

Zane joins me, his presence a comforting anchor in the sea of uncertainty. He follows my gaze to the stars, and for a moment, we both lose ourselves in the cosmic dance above.

"You ever wonder what's out there?" Zane asks, breaking the silence.

I shrug, a wistful smile playing on my lips. "Sometimes. Right now, though, I'm more focused on what's right in front of us."

Zane chuckles, warmth in his eyes. "Yeah, I get that. But it's just... looking at the stars makes everything feel so small, you know? Our problems, our struggles, seem insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe."

"True. It's easy to forget that there's a whole universe out there when we're caught up in the chaos down here."

Zane bumps shoulders with me, his gaze fixed on a particularly bright star. "You see that one? My mom used to say it's where the heroes go when they're done saving the day."

I follow his gaze, a bittersweet smile forming. "Sounds like a nice thought."

"Yeah," Zane agrees, his voice soft. "I used to believe it as a kid. Now, I just hope there's something good waiting for us after all this."

"I hope so too," I murmur, my gaze lingering on the bright star Zane pointed out. "Maybe there's a place where the struggles of our world fade away, and we can find some semblance of peace."

Zane nods. "It's a crazy world we live in, Jenna. But moments like these make it a little more bearable, you know?"

"Yeah, they do. Sometimes you need to look up, beyond the chaos, and find solace in the vastness of the universe."

He scratches his head. "Anyway, let's go to my room and study that map a bit. We need to find the safest route to D.C."

"Okay..." I whisper.

We quietly make our way through the military base, avoiding the gaze of the few soldiers patrolling the area, and we reach Zane's room. I look around, my eyes wide with curiosity. I notice the neatly folded military uniforms stacked on a chair and the polished boots lined up near the bed. A faded poster of a fighter plane adorns one wall—a relic from a time when Zane might have dreamed of becoming a pilot. On the shelves, I notice a collection of books ranging from military strategy to science fiction. The eclectic mix surprises me, but I recognize Zane's desire for both knowledge and escapism.

Zane unfolds a large map on the table, and we both lean in to study it. The map is marked with various routes leading to Washington, D.C., each presenting its own set of challenges. The dim room feels charged with the weight of our mission.

"Alright," Zane begins, pointing to the map. "We've got a few options here. The main highway is the most direct route, but it's infested with the undead and full of roadblocks. Not the safest choice." He falls silent and looks at me like I'm some expert at navigating the roads leading to D.C.

"Well, I wouldn't know. Why are you looking at me?"

"Yeah, right. Sorry." He looks back at the map and takes a moment to trace his finger over the alternative routes, his brow furrowed in concentration. "We could take the side roads through the smaller towns. But those might be controlled by gangs."

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