Chapter 9: Dead Cat

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Zane walks ahead of me, quiet again. He has not uttered a single word since we left that cabin, and that was hours ago. Or an hour ago. Well, I don't know. I don't have a watch.

"Hey, Zane," I call to him.

"Hm?" he says over his shoulder. He is still watching the ground as he walks.

"Are you okay?" I ask him softly.

He looks up and meets my eyes. He stares at me for a moment, and then he shrugs and looks away. "Yeah, I'm fine," he mutters quietly.

I sigh and walk beside him in silence. The dark clouds start to gather above us. "It'll rain soon," I say to break the silence.

"So?" Zane replies sharply, but he does not look at me.

I shake my head and roll my eyes. He sounds like a little kid who got told no when he asked for a new toy. It is very annoying. "Why are you acting like this?" I demand. "What's your problem?"

He stops walking abruptly and turns around to face me. His blue eyes meet mine. They are full of fear, pain, sadness... "Look," he says. "I'm just worried a bit. Those men at the cabin... They could have easily killed you, and we can't lose you. Not you."

"But they didn't kill me. You saved me." I hold his gaze with mine and try to keep my voice calm and level.

"Yeah, okay. But what if someone else attacks you, and I'm not there to protect you?"

"You're overreacting, Zane."

Zane shakes his head stubbornly. "Don't be stupid. You need to learn to protect yourself. I can't believe you've survived out here for all these years."

I glare at him angrily. "Well, I did. So just shut up and let me do whatever I want!" I shout at him.

He mutters something, and we continue our journey through the forest, silent once more. As the sky grows darker and darker, the forest becomes creepier and creepier. We reach an old, wooden bridge with a rickety wooden sign hanging next to it that reads, "Danger! No crossing". Across the way, a row of rundown houses stands. They look abandoned, half-collapsed, and covered in dirt and moss. There is something about them that makes me feel uneasy. I have the urge to run away. To run far, far away. I glance over at Zane, and he is staring at the buildings. Something about this place feels wrong.

"We could hide there until tomorrow morning," Zane suggests.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else," I say hesitantly. "This place gives me the creeps."

Zane scratches his head, confused. "Why would it give you the creeps?"

"Well, maybe because there are a bunch of empty houses, covered in mud and moss, in the middle of the forest, and the sign saying 'danger' and 'no crossing' and such," I answer sarcastically. "If you're asking why I want to leave, well, it's obvious. I'm starting to freak out. Can we please go?"

"Are you serious?" he asks. "The rain is about to start, and we have nowhere else to go. That is where we're going."

I swallow hard and force myself to speak calmly. "Zane, I really don't want to go there. I want to leave. Please."

"No," he says firmly. "I'm sorry. This is where we're staying tonight. End of story. Now, let's go."

I groan loudly and follow him across the bridge to the creepy-looking houses. The bridge groans beneath our weight as we cross it. My legs tremble, my breathing quickens, and the trees start to rustle overhead. "This isn't good," I whisper under my breath.

There is a hole in one side of the bridge, making us walk sideways. For a second, I freeze and wait for it to collapse beneath me. Thankfully, it doesn't. The wind blows, causing the trees to sway. A flock of birds flies overhead, disappearing into the dark clouds.

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