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Truceson POV

I heard muddled voices in the hallway outside my office. Everyone is probably wondering why I've decided to lock myself away in here. I usually keep my door open and bark orders constantly. Making sure everything is going to plan. But today...not so much. I needed space. To fucking collect myself. Very rarely do I get like this, but when I do everyone knows to stay away. Only Ana is allowed to come in, and only when it's something that requires my immediate attention or food.

I've been looking at the same email for the past thirty minutes. Unable to focus seeing as my thoughts kept trailing back to the new barista.

An unfamiliar feeling stirred in my belly but I pushed it away. More like I have been trying to all afternoon. I thought I had buried it years ago. But it's back with a vengeance. And it makes me uncomfortable and yet feels...natural.

He had green eyes.

A bright smile.

A deep voice.


Fuck, why do I remember his face so plainly? This isn't good. At all. This isn't supposed to happen anymore. I made sure that it wouldn't happen. I made sure I spent my days drowning in pussy and tits. To prove that I was the man--the heir--that my mother had always wanted.

I clenched my fist as his face popped up yet again. The way he said my name, was engrained into my brain. Why? Fucking why?

Anyone with eyes can see he is an attractive male...but that's it. It's just relative appreciation. Nothing more than that.

I felt some relief at the fact he works the days I don't get coffee from Ria's. And Ana gets my coffee during the week. I won't ever see him again.

That should make me happy...I should be ecstatic.

But I can't seem to get my mind to get there. I hate that. And inadvertantly that made me hate him.

The best thing I can do for myself is stay as far away from him as possible. At all costs. And as the days go on, I'll be able to forget him and his stupid face. And his green eyes. And his deep voice.

There was a knock on the door, and I knew it had to be Ana. She's the only one brave enough to do it. I muttered a quick 'come in' and she pushed the door open. Her bright red dress came into view and I tore my eyes away from my computer to look at her.

"So...there's been a change of plans." She fidgeted with her fingers and she was shifting her weight back and forth. And I knew this wasn't good. Not at all. "Dae is here."

I went stiff, my face blank as I stared at Ana. One, she knew I hated going off schedule. It was one of my biggest pet peeves, and two I hated unexpected visits. Loathed it.

"Why?" I asked, rubbing my chin, fighting off the images of a certain barista from coming to mind again.

"She wanted to ask about wedding planning. She wanted to get started on it." Ana wouldn't even meet my eyes, she knew I'd be furious at the interruption.

"Send her in." Ana leaves the office as soon as I mutter the words.

I readjusted my posture and took a deep breath, calming myself down. I don't understand why this couldn't have been said over a phone call. After a few minutes, the door opened again and Dae's perfume flooded my office. It was strong, sweet, and floral. All the things I don't like.

She wore a white pencil dress, and her hair was pulled back into a bun with her signature red lip. She smiled sweetly as she walked in, looking around my office, taking it in. I wanted to tell her not to get too comfortable, there's not a chance she'd see the inside of it again any time soon.

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