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Sean's POV

I stomped my way through the gym, not even worried about turning around to see if Ria was following. I knew she was. I could hear her clicking heels on the ground. I got the basement door and swung it open, practically running down the stairs to get away.

"Sean, what is wrong?" Ria closed the door behind her, but by the time I was on the floor. I walked to the punching bag and gave a hit that broke it into two. "Oh, my love." She sighed as she walked towards me.

I felt myself panting, my body sore from how tense I was. I felt her hand press on my back and I felt everything in me begin to break down. I don't do this. I usually am good at holding myself together. I cry when I'm alone or in pain. Not in front of anyone. But right now...I couldn't stop it.

"My mate--that's--he--hates me." I choked out and I sat down on the bench, Ria joining me. I didn't have to worry about explaining mate to her, I knew she knew. Even if we hadn't talked about it yet.

"Truceson, is your mate?" Ria asked confirming, and I nodded. I rested my elbows on my knees and I leaned forward, burying my head between my legs. Ria ran her hand up and down my back, trying to calm me down.

"He won't even look at me. He--he--" I couldn't even get the words out because fuck, I have no idea what he even feels. All I know is what I see. And what I see is him ignoring me, looking at me as if I don't exist. Like I don't matter.

"My dear Sean, look at me." I slowly lifted my head and turned to her. Her brown eyes stare deep into my soul, reading everything I haven't been able to say.

"I shouldn't have sprung this on you, I'm sorry. We haven't even talked about it--"

"No, it is alright." Ria interrupted, rubbing my back again. "We can talk about that later, right now, I'm worried about you."

"I met him this morning," I sighed, "He didn't look at me like how I thought mates would. His face was blank. No hint of attraction. And maybe it's different because he's human and I'm not but it just hurt me. I thought my mate and I--"

I thought my mate and I would have a love story like Carter and Sloan.

That's where the real disappointment lies. Sloan followed him across the country. If that's not love then I don't know what is. I just thought that maybe...just maybe I'd experience that too.

"It is different for humans. They do not feel the bond like we do, which makes things very hard." It felt like there was more to the story, something she was not telling me. But I didn't want to pressure her. She'd tell me when she's ready.

"Truceson is intense, I will say. We don't speak much outside of business, and he comes to the shop for coffee. But he seems to be...troubled. And you know I am good at reading eyes."

Good isn't even a proper way to describe it. 'Gift' was better. Ria just understood people and could sense things that no one else could.

"From what I see, he might need a friend. More than a lover. At least right now." My heart squeezed in my chest. Mates weren't meant to be friends. It was supposed to be more. Always more. My fucking another half.

But I can be a friend. For now.

And if my sacrifice is that I have to be his friend forever and that's it...then I'll come to terms with that eventually. And I'll learn to move on. That's a last resort.

"I didn't mean to cause a scene," I sighed, recalling the last twenty minutes. I shouldn't have stormed out like that. Now, I'm embarrassed.

"A scene? No! I made a scene. But I was worried about you." She grabbed my face with her hands and pushed my lips together to where they were puckered up. "Next time, answer your phone."

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