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Truce's POV

Then cum for Daddy.

The words rang over and over in my head. I found myself getting hard again just from the memory. 


I didn't think I'd be into all. Neither did I think I was going to be as submissive as I had been. But I am. The biggest bottom ever. And I'm okay with it because it's Sean. But fuck, I wanted more. I wanted to hear more of his praises and feel him against me. Without clothes. That humping session just opened up a giant can of worms and now I'm horny all the time.

So much so I can't focus on anything at work. And I could barely focus right now at dinner with Sean, Ria, Ty, and Milan.

"Sunshine you okay?" Sean's voice cut through my head, his hand slightly squeezing mine. 

"Yeah, I'm okay." I cleared my throat and sat up in the chair. "Just zoned out for a second. Uh--what did you say?"

"Oh, I was just asking if you were still interested in investing in the gym?" Ty asked and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Yes, yes I am. I've been really busy finalizing some things but that is still on the table."

"Okay, wonderful! Because I was thinking instead of opening a new gym, we just add a third level and put equipment up there. Open it up to the public and the boxing membership be separate and then--"

My eyes were still on Ty as he talked but Sean had let go of my hand and rested it on my thigh. I sucked in a breath as he raised it up and down. 

"Yeah, yeah. It all sounds good to me." Sean looked at me and his eyes squinted for a second.

We hadn't talked about it. It's not like there was anything to talk about. We did what couples did...and we went about our business as normal, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. It had burned into my brain and it either needed to be erased completely from my memory, or it needed to happen again.

I felt my phone ring in my pocket and for a moment I was relieved. I needed to take my mind off of everything going on around me. But then I saw the caller ID and I felt a panic rush through me. 

"Shit, shit, shit." I whispered, all eyes were now on me and a worried look was on Seans' face. I quickly excused myself and ran outside of the restaurant. I knew this was going to happen, but I had hoped I had a little bit more time before it did...

But goes nothing. I answered the phone and I did my best to keep my cool mask of indifference on my face as I answered.


"Truceson, you are a disgrace." My mother's voice flooded the phone and I clenched my fist at my side. "How dare you embarrass us? And Dae and her family? Do you know what you have done? You have cost us millions. MILLIONS!"

"Mother I--"

"You have ruined us. It's already spreading--word of your broken engagement. Now we look inferior because you are inferior. You have not only wasted my time but your father's time as well. And if you still think that you are getting your inheritance--"

"I don't want the damn inheritance!" I yelled out, surprising myself and a few passersby. I felt my heart racing and my head pounding. I was done listening to her shit. It's better to get this over with now than later. 

I knew my relationship with my parents or what little bit I had was going to break. And there would be no repairing it. And truly...I didn't want to. Because if they couldn't get past the idea that I was more than who I fuck...then they didn't deserve to be around me.

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