02- Because of you

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Having Louis Tomlinson in your life changes it completely. Don't get her wrong, she appreciates him for the efforts he's putting in helping her earn money, but she doesn't know how much more she can take of the man's charm without wanting to tell him about all the songs she's written about him where he's the muse.

Anyway, she's at Old John's, the diner she's been working in as her main job. Works eight hours on Monday through Saturday, taking Wednesday and the latter's off. Harry enjoys her job to an extent, she's a regular old waitress, an easy task. There's just always going to be those customer's filled with hate at the butt crack of dawn, or ones a little too intoxicated by alcohol once midnight strikes — and like a wolf turning at the moon — they start attacking. You can't look at her and tell that she's trans, she was already feminine looking before she started taking estrogen, but while her body was still changing under the medication, there was times her voice would slip up and she'd get menacing glares from the men sat at the bar.

Sometimes her coworkers would look at her funny, and it's like, they're here to get money, why take time out of their day to try and make her feel bad? It's not high school for God's sake, they're adults trying to make income. Harry emerges from the bathroom and bumps into one of the employees. She skims over her, then the restroom and smirks. "You sure you should be using the ladies room? Thought you had to stand?"

Harry sighs through her nose. "I'm doin' my business, you can go on head and do yours."

"You know, you aren't going to be a real woman. No matter how hard you try, deep inside, you're a man."

She doesn't let her annoyance show, knowing she's egging her on to get a reaction out of her and she won't grant her the satisfaction. Harry balls her fists behind her body, a rictus grin on her face. "And I could easily say that inside, you're nothin' but a son of a bitch too big for your britches and threatened because I look better than you," she takes a step closer so she can feel her breath -- feel the malice intention behind her words. "get your head out your ass. Brad doesn't like you because you're a haughty bitch. Guys don't like that, you take a lesson or two."

Harry glares at her once more before leaving, her heels clicking with her. She exits the staff room back to the diner which seemed fuller than the last time she was in there. Harry's about to grab the notepad to start taking people's orders when she hears a familiar voice. "Hi, angel face."

She looks up quickly, startled to see Louis standing there. He's in adidas tracks, but he still looks attractive in them -- makes her want to run her tongue along his skin and suck hickeys onto his neck until it draws purple. Enough of that, Louis' back! She lets out a laugh of disbelief, smiling. "Hi. How did you know I work here?"

Louis shrugs. "I have my ways."

"Should I be concerned?"

"Not at all. Come sit, I have some good news for you."

"If you haven't noticed, I'm in the middle of work." She says, pointing to her uniform. A black vest covering her cream colored blouse, a tight little skirt clinging to her hips. Louis eyeballs her thirstily, making it obvious when he licks his lips. Harry rolls her eyes, pushing her hand against his chest. "Go."

Louis grabs her wrist, arching an eyebrow. "You think that's a way to treat a costumer?"

Harry glares. "You're not here to eat."

"Actually, I am. I would like a cheeseburger meal and your company at my table."

She scoffs, crossing her arms. Louis doesn't budge, making her groan. "You're insufferable."

So, she sits across from him at a tiny booth somewhere in the corner of the diner, eating burgers and fries. Well, Louis' eating, her burger is there like a mere decoration. "What'd you come here for?"

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