Here in Animatron lives the Transformers of this planet. There, the Maximals, Predacons, and all the other Transformer-colonized Kingdoms live on Animatron. Then, there's Nyx herself, giving a recap of all the adventures during the Beast Wars.
Meanwhile, the Axalon Maximals are busy living it up when suddenly, a distress call from a pirate ship calls our heroes.
Cheetor: "The distress signal's coming from... the Glacier Pirates?"
Rattrap: "But, what do they want with us?"
Rhinox: "Still, we gotta go help them out somehow."
Now, the Maximals must head to the Snow Fields on Cetus Supreme to find the distress signal.
Optimus Primal: "Alright then, Maximals, Maximize!"
Transformers: Beast Adventures - The Frozen Kingdom
AdventureWhen an ancient kingdom of hunters threatens to freeze Animatron into an eternal Absolute Zero hell, the Maximals and the Pirates team up to stop them. But, they need the help of the Snow Queen to do it.