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Yn pov

"Yn, let's play truth and dare-". Before waru could complete her words we heard someone screaming from the first floor.

"Yeonjun?". Waru said, making my eyes widen. We all got up and were about to run towards the Yeonjun room. But we saw Yeonjun coming out of his room running towards us while screaming. Soon San held him.

"What? What happened?".  San asked him.

"There ! There ! Ghost ! There's a ghost!!".

"GHOST?WHERE?". Waru said in shock.

"In my room. Ghost held my shoulder". He said.

"You sure?". I asked him.

"I'm!!,Yn. You can go and see yourself". He said.

"I'll go". I was about to go but Ren held my hand.

"I'll go". He said and went forward.

"Let's go together". I said and followed him. We entered the room. His cupboard was still open. Ren roamed around his room. I went near his cupboard to close it but stopped in track when I saw it.

"Ghost?" I said before bursting into laughter.

"Why? What happened?". Ren came towards me.

I held the empty bottle which was in his cupboard and went down. Ren followed me in confusion.

I went and stood in front of Yeonjun.

"Seriously Yeonjun? Ghost? To hide your mistake?".


"Look!! You drank the whole bottle in the room and ran here right?".

"WHAT!!!??? NOO!! How did you find it? I searched for it like hell".

"What? Like hell? when it was literally in the front rack".

"Seriously Yn , I didn't drink it!!".

"Then who? Ghost drank it?".


"Shut up , Yeonjun. You drank the whole bottle and got drunk. Then you felt wind on your shoulder and thought it's a ghost. Now better you and sleep in your room".


"Then what? You only selected that room right!!".

"I'll go to another room".

"Yeah yeah… it's good that this house has plenty of room. Go and sleep wherever you want. I'mma go and sleep in my room". I said.

"I'll sleep in Yeonjun's room". San said.

"No bro!! Don't, nobody will sleep in that room". Yeonjun said.

"Yeonjun, there's no ghost in this world. You don't worry". San said and went towards Yeonjun's room.

"I'll go and search for a room too". Ren said.

"Ren , I'll come with you". Yeonjun said and went with him.

"Good then. Waru , we'll sleep together". I held Waru's hand and dragged her towards my room.


It was past 12 am . But still I couldn't sleep. I looked at my right side and saw Waru snoring like hell. I just signed deeply and got up from my bed. Soon, I was startled when I saw my own reflection in the mirror. I should remove the mirror from here first, I thought. I went and sat on my table. I opened my book from the drawer and started to write my story. I was writing so hard and slowly drafted into sleep.

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