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"Ashley!!! I got good news for you!!". Ashely's dad shouted and came inside their house.
Ashely, who was in the room , came running to him.
"What father? What happened?". Ashley asked.
"Ashley, come and sit here". Her father tapped a seat next to him.
She went and sat there.
"Ashley, I got a job for you". He said, making her eyes widen in happiness.
"What? Seriously???". She asked.
"Yes!!! You'll die in happiness if you get to know where". He said.
"Where?? Tell me please please please tell me, I'll die in curiosity!! Please tell me,dad!!". She said in joy.
"You got a job in the royal palace. King gave you a job. You want to become his personal physician".
"Wh-what? No-NOOOO!!". Ashely shouted and got up from her seat.
"Wh-why? What happened?". Her dad asked in confusion.
"No , father. I'll not work with the king". She said,
"What?? Are you serious??? There are many male physicians in this village yet he selected you even though you are a girl just because you are my daughter. Please Ashley , don't miss this opportunity".
"No, father. You do-".
"She'll go". Mira said, cutting off Ashely's word.
"Mira!". Ashely shouted.
"Yes, uncle. She'll go , you don't worry". She said,
Mira came forward and held Ashley's hand.
"Uncle one minute". She said and took Ashley somewhere, where there's no people.

"Mira!! Why did you tell dad like that?". Ashely asked.
"Because it's a great opportunity, Ashley. Don't lose it".
"Mira , you know what kind of person that king is right? He'll kill me!".
"I don't think so".
"Ha? Why?".
"If he wanted to kill, he would have killed you that day when he saved you only".
"Mira but still-".
"No no no!! You are going!!". Mira said.

"The king is entering!! Everybody bow to the king". One of the ministers announced as King Taehyung entered the room.
He slowly walked towards the stage and Jungkook followed him behind. Taehyung went and stood in the centre.
"Today, I want to make an announcement. As you already know, the Hahoe village king  declared to have fight against us to extend their territory, so can anybody tell me what we have to do?". King asked the people who were present there.
"We have to win the war and send them back". One of the ministers said,
"Yes, we should send them but not to their village. We should send them to hell. We should kill them and extend our territory". He said, making everyone shocked.
"Taehyung-ah that's-". Jungkook was about to say something but Taehyung glared at him, making him stop.
"We Yangdong villagers will kill them and will acquire Hahoe village and make our territory long". Taehyung screamed.
"As you say, our lord". Everybody bowed to him.
He then got down the stage and exited from the room.

"What is this ,Taehyung?! Killing them is not the option". Jungkook said while walking with Taehyung.
"Then them coming to kill us is okay? Jungkook-ah is tit for tat".
"Still Taehyung let's make them realise. Let's not kill them". Jungkook said to make Taehyung stop in track. He turned towards Jungkook.
"Jungkook ,don't be so kind like this-". Before Taehyung could complete, someone bowed to him, getting his attention.
"Oh you came". Taehyung said, looking at her.
"Ashley?wh-why are you here?". Jungkook asked, looking at her.
"I got information that the king called me". She said, eyeing on the ground.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung and Taehyung started to look away to hide his eye contact.
"You called her? Why?". Jungkook asked.
"For medical help". He said.
"Medical help? Seriously? We already have so many physicians including her father". Jungkook said.
"Yeah but..".
"But what?". Jungkook asked, smirking.
"We..we got no female doctor". Taehyung said.
"But we have no female soldiers in this war-".
"So? So what? Is it a rule that female doctors should only treat females? She'll treat me okay. She'll be with me". Taehyung said in one go.
"Something is fishy". Jungkook said.
"Nothing fishy". Taehyung said, making Jungkook shut his mouth.

San pov
"You? Who are you?". Yn suddenly asked me, making my eyes widened.
No, don't tell me she got to know about me…
"Yn? Wh-what do you mean by that?". I asked her.
"Something is wrong. How come you and that person have the same tattoo? That too in the same place". She said,
"Wait…where's he?". She said and searched here and there.
"Who?". I asked her, even though I knew whom she was referring to.
"That idiot!! I guess he knows all the answers for my questions. Where's he?? Where the hell is he????". She screamed and got up from the bed. She went near the mirror and started to bang it.
I ran to her and tried to hold her hand.
"Yn!! What nonsense is this!! It will break!! You'll get hurt!!! Leave it!!". I shouted.
She continued to bang it in anger so I held her hand forcefully and turned her around.
"What's got into your head , Yn?? Act normal for god sake". I said.
Soon her red angry eyes filled in tears.
"San, I seriously saw the same tattoo on his hand. Please please tell me what happened to me?? Please San, tell me do you know anything??". She pleaded to me.
Please Yn, don't make me weak. I can't tell you anything. Please Yn, please.
"Yn, please don't cry".
"How can I not , San. So many things are happening in my life".
"Please don't cry. I'll be with you. I'll take care of you". I said hugging her.
"YN!!!!! YOU THERE!!!???". We heard Waru's voice.
We both broke a hug and went out to see Waru and Ren standing.
"What happened, waru? Why are you shouting?". Yn asked.
"Yn, did you cry?". Ren asked.
"No no, tell me what happened?". Yn asked.
"Yn, I want to tell you something". Waru asked.
"What?". Yn asked.
"Yn, I want to tell you the truth". Waru said.
"Ha? What?". She asked.
"San is cheating on you". Waru said, making my eyes widened.
"Wh-what?". She asked in doubt.
"Yes, Yn. San is cheating on you-".
"Waru stop it! What the hell are you saying?". I shouted at her.
"San, Don't take her seriously". Ren said.
"Guys please stop it! Waru, tell me what happened. Why are you saying this?". Yn asked her.
Soon Waru came forward and showed something for Yn. I leaned to see mine and Sophia's picture. It was when we met in restaurant.
Who the hell took it??
"See! San is roaming with this girl now". Waru said.
"Roaming doesn't mean he's cheating , Waru". Ren said.
"Then what is that? San, tell me who's she? How many days have you been cheating on Yn?" Waru said.
"From fucking 18th century". I heard someone saying.
We all looked at the door to see Sophia standing in front of the door.
"Sophia?". I murmured but Yn heard it.
Sophia slowly walked and stood in front of me.
"You didn't tell about us to Yn?". She asked smirking.
I looked at Yn whose eyes were widened.
I shook my head as no.
Suddenly Sophia held my collar.
Soon, Waru came and pushed Sophia.
"Ay!! Who are you? What's the relationship between you and San?". She asked.
"The relationship which you can't even imagine. We both have a long connection". She said,
What the hell are you saying Sophia!!!! You seriously want me to die or what?.
Slowly Yn walked towards me.
"Who's she?". She asked me.
"Yn that's-".
"I'll say". Sophia said, cutting my words.
"I'm his beloved…".
"Beloved what?". Ren asked.
"Beloved cousin". She said, making me sigh deeply.
"C-cousin?". Yn asked in shock.
Thank god!.
"Yes, I'm his cousin. If you want you can ask your boyfriend". She said,
Yn looking at me. I smiled and nodded.
"You didn't tell me that you have a cousin". She asked in doubt.
"Ha? Yeah…she was in foreign country so I didn't tell you about her" I said.
"Oh okay". She said,
Thank god, she's believing me.
"Yn, can I please stay here for some day?". Sophia asked her, making my eyes widened.
Please say no , Yn!!!!!.
"Okay, if you are San's cousin. You can stay. San showed her Yeonjun's room. She can stay there". She said,
I'm doomed.

I banged Sophia's room.
"Come inside" I heard.
I saw Sophia sitting on her bed and applying nail polish.
"Sannie, look! This red nail polish suits me". She said,
"Why are you here?". I asked her.
Soon her smile vanished.
She got up and came near me.
"I think you already know why I'm here". She said,
"Don't tell me you are here to meet Taehyung". I asked him.
"Obviously, I'm here to protect him. I'll make his curse vanish. Don't you remember, that sage told one solution how to bring Taehyung back to the world.He said Taehyung can come back to the world if he loves someone truly and even she should love him back".
"Yes, and that solution is impossible". I said.
"It is possible, because I love him".

"It is possible, because I love him"

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