Chapter 1: The Nightmare

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At Present

It's the time when the sky was showing the darkest colour it have as the deepest shade of night while everyone was busy and lost in their own dreamlands like always

Completely Unknown that this night was different than usuals. It was dark, terrifying as it holded a creepy silence that even a dropping of pin will awake the silent sleeping city. This night was just as same as that night of years ago, Colder than ever as minus degree broke records,

As the moon hide itself behind clouds just like that day, Intentionally, just not to witness the cruellest betrayal that engulfed many lives for it's own profit, yet unfortunately it did...

"MUMMA!!! PAPA!!! NO!!!" said a broken innocent voice crying miserably while trying to free itself from the strong grip


Everywhere was fire and smoke, Everything was engulfed in a sea of fire. The flames climbed higher with each passing moment, consuming everything in their path with a relentless fury while Shades of red, yellow, and orange danced across the landscape, casting a fiery glow that swallowed the Someone's Everything in its destructive embrace.

The terrified night became more eerie with those horrible painful screamings, which will surely create a lifelong trauma for anyone who watched the disturbing scene even for a minute...


"no....l-let me g-go...mumma..papa.." continuous whisper pleading left her lips as she was trapped in her own nightmare and was willing till her death to wake up just to escape the horrible world she has entered into and then with in Swift seconds..

"NO!!!"  echoed in the room...

She opened her eyes with a sudden jolt and sat upright on whatever she was sleeping, desperate to escape the horrifying scene from her dream.

Gasping for some air, she struggled to steady her shaky breath as tears streamed down her face mingling with the sweat that covered her.

The intense emotions of fear and anguish lingered as she tried to regain her composure after the nightmare with no chances of going back to sleep atleast not for tonight after the nightmare she had just now.

"It's been months since I had this nightmare..." She whispered as she sighed

It often come as an uninvited guest in her dreamland and disturbs her beauty sleep..... She abhor the effect it still have on her, spines were running down her body while she was all shaky, everything felt too real, as if She's trapped in that dreadful night once more still being helpless and overwhelmed by pain...

It feels like... Every wound once covered has ripped to bleed again as her heart clenched with pain, She always end up having a panic attack but now her pills take care of it

Yet the pain of loss is still unbearable... This all fuels up the desire of revenge burning within her making it more and more deeper and stronger with each passing day.

She exhaled a heavy sigh and wiped her teary cheeks composing herself as the pills she just took started to react making her better...

When She looked around...

She realised that she was sleeping in an odd position on couch of her living room waiting for the love of her life

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