| 22. dress up

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ASHER STARED AT her reflection in the mirror, hands on her hips. She examined the sheer long sleeve she wore over the random strappy bikini top that Isabelle found somewhere within the depths of her closet. It was paired it with black sequined pants that clung to the waist down, flaring out at her feet.

Asher moved her lips to the right, unsure. "This is-" "Totally your style." Isabelle sauntered over and placed her hands on Asher's shoulders. "You look ready to rave!" The younger Lightwood wore a silver-sequined two piece matched with a silver headband resting atop her forehead. She offered the brunette a positive smile. Asher just stared back blankly. "I can't even hide my sword anywhere." Isabelle roll her eyes at the lack of enthusiasm.

"Come on," The raven-haired Shadowhunter took a step back and plopped down on a pink fluffy chair that sat in the corner. "This is tame compared to what I usually have." Asher was inclined to agree: this outfit was definitely the least scandalous thing that Isabelle had made her try on.

Asher wasn't as bothered by the outfit as she was with how Isabelle did her hair: half-up pigtails with glitter hairspray. "I look like I'm going to Coachella." She mumbled, making Isabelle grin wide. "Good! That's the whole point." Asher was never a fan for shiny things, but Isabelle insisted that they had to match.

The brunette turned halfway and kicked up one of her feet to get a glimpse of the black booties underneath the pants. The more she stared at herself, the more she started to like it.

Isabelle seemed to catch on.

"You should keep this." The younger Lightwood suggested. "I never wear them anyways. Not enough skin." Asher shook her head. "Izzy, I can't-" "You can and you will." Isabelle cut her off with a look. "You are in serious need of a closet revamp. Remind me to take you shopping soon."

Asher opened her mouth to reject the offer when Jace walked into the room. She paused as her eyes drank in the sight: black slacks, a black fitted button down, and gelled back hair. The brunette forgot her mouth was still ajar and quickly clamped it shut. She cleared her throat and looked back at her reflection.

She tried to ignore Jace as his eyes scanned up her body. "Izzy really outdid herself with this one." He smirked and settled his gaze on her head. "The glitter adds a nice touch." Asher felt her neck flush as Isabelle wrapped a feathery boa around her shoulders. The younger Lightwood grinned. "I think so too."

"I feel like a disco ball." Asher mumbled as she turned her head every which way, making the glitter in her hair sparkle. "A sexy disco ball." Isabelle added.

"Guys," Alec walked in, eyes glued to the tablet in his hand. "Are you almost done? We-" He looked up at Asher and paused. Asher could see the small grin forming on his face. Her hand shot up and pointed in his direction. "Don't."

"I didn't say anything."

The brunette glared at him before returning her gaze to the mirror. A second goes by and she heard a small 'click.' She whipped her head ton Alec, who was grinning from ear to ear with the tablet pointed in her direction. "Alec!" She exclaimed and rushed over to grab the device from his hand. "Delete that picture right now!"

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