SOOOOOO now my life has gotten weird

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my life was weird from the beginning. But NOW ITS GETTING DUMB

So, I have basketball practice twice a week, on one of those days I got: 

1. slapped in the face, specifically in the eye while playing a basketball game

2. hit in the nose while this one girl tried to block the ball from being passed to me

3. tired out from running way too much

That isn't even the end of it. 

While I was at school, this one guy was sooooooo close to hyper extending my arm by throwing a basketball at my arm after throwing me to the ground. I'm only like four foot eleven so I'm easy to throw to the ground for a guy who uses his strength and a whole bunch of violence to play sports. Also one of my friends slipped right next to me and literally groped my D**K just so he could stop himself from falling

Another time just the next day, the exact same guy pushed me to the ground when I got the ball in another basketball game. I was able to maintain my balance and the ball, but he kept trying to brutally tackle me to the ground about 9 times before he finally got the ball because he tackled me into a group of girls and the second he got the ball, chucked the ball to the net (he missed miserably) while he was so damn far away from the net. Also another one of my friends was swinging his arms while I was talking to him and he hit my D**K. 

Two days in a row getting hit in the D**K, isn't it great?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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