Chapter 2

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---------------------After School---------------------------

"Bye Demi!" Ashlyn called while hoping into her moms car.

"Bye!" I yelled back and started walking to my bike.

"Where do you think your going, bitch?" Ashton asked me. He's the main bully at school.

"Not now Ashton, I'm busy." I said with hatred in my voice.

"Don't talk back to me!" he said and then threw me to the ground. Everyone around us laughed and I just stayed on the ground, unmovable. "Get up Slut!" He yelled, and I did as I was told. He then hit me, causing shooting pain to go through my stomach because I had cut there last night. His friends started beating me until a voice boomed through the crowd.

"Leave her alone!" The Irish voice yelled and everyone scattered, even the Irish boy. I stood up, gathered my things, and unlocked my bike. I sped off to the park by my house because I had an hour left until I had to meet up with Dameon.

I started my homework and finished it ALL in about 30 minutes. I'm really fast at working and school is always at a super slow pace! I still have 30 minutes left until I have to leave so I swung on the sings while thinking. Step-father, the only person in this world keeping me from my dream and safety. I want to be a singer like Demi Lovato, Justin Beiber, One Direction, and Kellin Quinn. I hate him and I need to break out of his grasp soon. Before Dameon gets seriously hurt. I know what to do. Tomarrow, we leave.

I picked up my things and for the first time in years, I smiled and actual smile. A real genuine smile. And I couldn't be happier. Ihoped on my bike and raced to meet Dameon at our designated spot. "Hi Demi." Dameon said.

"Hey Dameon, how was school?" I can't wait to tell him the plan.

"Stupid, I still don't understand people!" 

"Neither do I. But,I have and idea." I told him the plan as we rode our bikes to the park. I told him to pack some things in his back-pack tomarrow; food, clothes, treasured items. In the morning we're riding our bikes away from here, forever.


We walked through the door and I ushered Dameon up stairs so Dad wouldn't see him when he came home. I ran to the kitchen and threw this together for our after school snack:  

ya, I got bored.

I rushed upstairs and we ate together. "So what happened at school that made people so, stupid. I thought you were a popular kid?" I asked Dameon.

"Well, Zack started to pick on this girl. Her name is Jasmine, but she prefers Jassy. So, he started calling her fat, ugly,and a lot of horrible things. I hated it. I went over to stop him but my friends joined in with him and I was useless. I decided to pull her away from it. Since we were on the play ground, I brought her to the swings. She said it's been happening to her for two years, and I don't understand how people could be so mean to her. She's really cool,I think I made a new friend today." He explained. If only someone like him was there for me back in grade school.

"I hope you know you did the right thing. She was probably feeling worthless, and you made her whole world brighter. What is her life like?" I asked.

"Honestly, a lot like ours. Her mom is like our Dad. But, she's all alone. I told her about us too." That's when a thought hit me. She can come with us. No one needs to go through that. And I mean NO ONE!

"If you want, she can come with us tomarrow. I know you feel horrible that she goes through it too."

"Really?!" He asked.


"Thank you so much Demi." He said while hugging me. I heard the front door slam open. Dameon hid while I started reading, pretending I didn't know where he was.

"DEMI!" Dad shouted. I rushed down stairs only to be greeted with a smack to the face. "HELLO BITCH! You know what? I hope you know your worthless, a slut, and caused your moms death!" Just in case your wondering, he's not drunkor poor. He hates alchohol and is actually rich and owns a big company. He only kept us so he didn't look bad. I cowered back in fear as he beat me relentlessly. I'm used to it, so the pain is all it is. I'm not shocked, or confused anymore. I fucking hate him! He finished my beating and went into his office to work. I picked myself up and crawled up to my room. When I walked in I saw Dameon on the bed, in tears. He is always like this when I get beat. I just can't wait for tomarrow.

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