Parties or Priorities

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Chapter 2-
Parties or Priorities

The sent of beer and other alcoholic beverages suffocated my nostrils.

I never let go of Ravens hand because I knew that if I did I would get lost, fast.

We weaved in and out of the drinkers, pop n' lockers, and grinders. Someone even tried to hook up with me on the way. His dream quickly ended with a kick to his jewels.

I thought I caught a glimpse of Kayla, but I wasn't sure. Raven was walking so quickly.

We made it into a secluded area, the kitchen. It was off limits and you needed the key for the lock to open the door, which Raven had. It was a large area. All the appliances were new and clean. I honesty couldn't believe five guys lived here.

"Do you drink?" I shook my head indicating that I don't.

"Have you drank before?" I shamefully shook my head. I've never been one to even try things my parents told me not to. Drinking had always been one of those things I've never even thought about, I just knew not to do it and that was that.

"Well now you can try it" Raven said with a cheeky smile.

"No" I refused knowing what alcohol could potentially lead to.

"Yea." I sighed trying to relax and go with the flow, but I couldn't.

"I can't drink Raven, are you crazy? What if I get drunk and so do you, how are we going to get home?" I ask trying to stall.

"We stay here. They have an extra room" he said with a shrug and started to pour some kind of liquid into the tiny cups that very accurately represented my bravery, very tiny.

"Well what if-" He handed me a glass of the liquid. I stared at it blankly. Then I stared at him the same way. He motioned for me to put it up to my mouth. I wasn't just going to just drink a random beverage.

I sniffed it and started coughing immediately. This stuff is strong, like really strong and I didn't even get a taste of it yet.

He raises his eyebrows. "Bottoms up." He gulped it down with no problem.

Then there was me struggling to even put it up to my mouth. When I got the courage to do so, I then took a small sip and each time choked on how strong it was.

"What...sip... Is...sip... This?" Raven was almost in tears about how I was drinking this unknown liquid.

He managed to say, "Vodka." Then he went back to laughing.

A few minutes later I mangled to finish the tiny shot glass and he managed to stifle his laughter.

"Ok I'm going to teach you the right way to drink." He rolled up the sleeves to his 'fuckboy' shirt, and poured more Vodka into the shot glasses.

I made a sour face as he handed me my glass.

"Okay, first off just watch me." I nodded. He took the glass and put it up to his lips as he shot his head back and swallowed. "Easy?"

I shrugged. It looked easy enough, but looks can be deceiving. That's what my mother always told me.

I'm surprised she hasn't called me to rant about 'the safety of protection and safe sex' and how it's better to 'just not'. She gave me those lectures when I started 10th grade and told me they'll be back for college. Just what I need. Anyways she had nothing to worry about, I plan to keep myself pure and a virgin for as long as I could.

Raven poured himself another glass. "Now we'll both go" he said and I nodded feeling a bit nervous.

"Go." I did exactly as he did and managed to gulp it all down in one slurp. It didn't taste as strong this time.

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