Vanilla Swiss rolls and the beginning of an interesting night

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Chapter 7-

Vanilla Swiss rolls and the beginning of an interesting night


9:20 p.m

I woke up to a loud knock on the door. I got out of Raven's bed and ran to the bathroom to see the damage. Raven and I didn't have sex or anything, we just heavily made-out.

My hair was a mess, thanks Raven, and I had like three fucking hickeys on my neck. Thanks again Raven.

The knocking on the door grew louder and then suddenly stopped. Raven must've gotten up to get it.

I layered make-up on my love bites. It wasn't the best but I'm sure no one would be able to tell. Then I combed through my tangled hair. Good.

I walked out and Mr. Deeks was on our couch. Gosh what's wrong this time. I looked over at Raven who was shirtless and walked over to him. He had a hickey right on his jawline. Then I noticed one on his abs. How low did I go? I hope Mr. Deeks hadn't noticed them. I motioned to them and he went and shut himself in the bathroom. I turned my attention to his dad now.

"Hello Mr. Deeks. Stop by for a specific reason?" I asked while grabbing a water out of the fridge for myself and then offering him one. He politely declined.

"Actually I'm here to talk to you." Oh gosh maybe he saw through my make-up. And maybe he saw Ravens jawline or abs and now decided to bring it up instead of what he actually came here for. Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh. I nodded implying that he had my attention. " I am inviting you to our family dinner tomorrow and expect you to be there. 7:00."

I looked at him in shock as he stood up and headed to the door. He opened the door to leave and then reality set in for me. I raced to the door. He was in the process of closing it but I stopped it partially through.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but isn't it a family dinner? I'm not family and I don't want to... intrude or anything."

I tried for about a minute to get out of it, but I simply couldn't. Raven was in the bathroom still, so he couldn't back me up.

"You'll be Raven's guest and that is that. Your mother called telling me you were roomed with a boy and she wanted you out. Once I explained that you were roomed with my son, she calmed a little bit. I would like to get to know you more May Leisel, and I'm sure the rest of the family would too. That is why you are coming to dinner tomorrow. Either come to dinner or I'll sit and have a conversation with you two about how we don't give each other hickeys. Or at lease how to cover them up better." He laughed at my poor attempt to cover it, and left.

That little... fudger just threatened me. Ugh.

It looks like I'm going to dinner!

I shut the door and huffed. Moments later Raven walked out of the bathroom.

"I don't know how to cover up a hickey, so I just was going to wait it out until he left." He smirked at me.

"Make-up doesn't work," I informed him while pointing at mine.

"Good cause I wasn't going wear any. I rather let everyone see your love bites on my perfect jawline and toned abs," he cooed. He was full of himself. He made his way over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He gave me a gentle kiss.

"Your fathers making me come to your family dinner tomorrow," I blurted out.

He dropped his arms and backed away. He paced the floor with his hand behind his head. I went and sat on my bed and studied his irrationality. Was I really that bad that he didn't want me to meet anymore of his family?

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