Allison Bios

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Real Name: Allison Parker

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Real Name: Allison Parker

Anti-hero Name: Star-Spider

Powers: Enchanted Spider strength, speed, stamina, durability, reflexes, Bio-electricity, Cloaking, Regenerative Healing Factor, claws, Hyper sense, nano-tech, venom blast, energy manipulation, hand-to-hand combat and weapon mastery.

Ages: 9-18-22

Likes: Annie, fixing/building things, her girlfriend, her grandma, entering the multiverse, teasing Annie, her mother figure, her Uncles, Aunts and her Pet dog.

Hates: Morgan Stark, Jasmine Howett Frost, Avenger, Fantastic four, x-men, inhuman and symbiotes.

Theme: Ghost,  Dream of absolution, Vandalize, I am all of me and His world

Title: The 2nd strongest woman

Race: Spider/mutant hybird

Parents: Peter Parker (father), Kitty Pyrde(birth Mother) and Elektra(Mother-figure)

Godparnets: Wade wilson aka Deadpool(god father) and Rouge(god mother)

Uncle: Thor

Aunts: Gwen, Jessica Drew(spider-woman) and Sentress(sentry sister)

Lover: Wendy Danvers

Lover: Wendy Danvers

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thermal katana:

thermal katana:

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