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"You did what!? "

A tiny figure stands from her seat in the dining hall, almost knocking her chair to the ground. Her high-pitched exclamation has earned your table some odd stares and you grab her sleeve to force her back down into her seat.

"I met up with him, okay?" You pick up your fork and move your mashed potatoes around in your plate. 

"Well, honestly, it was more like a forced meeting that I was literally dragged into, but the point is that we talked a little." You scoot some peas next to the potatoes and unceremoniously start mixing them together. "And he says he needs to talk to me about something after my classes are done today. I'm not sure what, though. His name is Kim Jongin - or Kai. I guess he likes either."

Sungji can only stare at you with her eyes wide open, until she swipes the fork from your hand, making you turn your head to look at her. 

She moves her jaw forward with a crass "Um," and shoves the fork into your food. "That's not all, is it? I can see it on your face."

Your medallion's presence burns through your jeans' pocket, not wanting to be kept a secret from much longer. You place your hands over your pocket, and lean forward toward her curious face.

"He gave me something, but I don't think I'm allowed to just pull it out anywhere. He seemed like it was important that I got it. He even did that disappearing thing and then came back, saying that he had to double-check that it was me, whatever that means," you say as you recall the scene on the roof.

"You know I'm going with you after class, right?" she says in a demanding voice. 

You nod, shrugging your shoulders at her. "I figured. You never listen to me anyway." You take the chance to playfully shove her in the arm.

She smiles wide and shoves you back. "Nope. But that's why we're friends."

You lean your chair back and glare at her. "Sure. That's why we're friends."

She quickly moves her hand forward at you, threatening to push you and your chair backwards. You quickly grasp the edge of the table before she manages to do it, and you grit your teeth at her. She giggles and continues to eat her food.


The rest of the day disappears quickly, mainly because you struggle with concentrating on your work. Your mind is so busy thinking about what's going to happen, that you don't notice you're already out of the building and walking towards your car.

Just as you get to your door, a black car pulls up behind you, and the driver rolls their window down.

"You're out early." Kai slides his hand out to fix his side mirror.

He looks at you and gives his signature smirk, leaning forward through the window and crossing both of his arms, resting his head on top of them.

You turn your body to face him and promptly place your hands on your hips. A part of you wishes you could wipe that smirk off of his face.

You grab your keys from your pocket and accidently touch the medallion that you conveniently placed next to them. You had forgotten all about it, but with this subtle touch, the medallion reminded you that it was there, waiting patiently. With a nervous cough, you insert your car key into the door, open it and put a foot inside, but not before looking back at him once more. 

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