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If there's one thing you've learned in these few moments, it's that teleporting is not as easy as it might sound. It definitely isn't a skill that can be taught. Even if you could try your hardest to learn everything about it, nothing could have possibly prepared you for this new experience.

You rub your eyes and look up; the first person you see is Sungji, her gaze fixed on something in the distance behind you from where you've landed. She's on all fours on the ground and her mouth is wide open as she stares.

You shift up from your position on the ground and rub your bottom. That landing wasn't as graceful as you would have liked it to be. Kai stands next to you, unharmed and smiling triumphantly as he watches Sungji's reaction. You finally decide to turn around to find out what has Sungji's attention, and you pivot your body to face the opposite direction.

Your breathing hitches and you struggle for air.

Lifting your hand and pointing, you turn your head to Kai and stutter, "That—that's not... no way..."

You push yourself up from the ground, still pointing a shaking finger in the same direction.

"We're in Paris?!"

The centuries old landmark towers several stories over the three of you, lit up with dancing lights that compliment the elegant atmosphere that Paris offers at night.

Paris, France.

You've only dreamed of visiting this place and never actually thought you'd travel through space and time in order to get where you are currently. It's everything you've ever imagined it would be, and more.

The cart vendors are making their way slowly around the tower, advertising their goods in fluent French and dazzling the tourists with their souvenirs. You smile to an elderly man pushing a flower cart that is passing in front of you and he tilts his hat as he gives you a humble nod in response.

Your mind suddenly runs to the one thing you haven't thought about in a while: your brother.

You look around the area that you're standing in and think to yourself, Could he be here?

Your skin tingles with eagerness and you begin to think of all the things you could possibly do in Paris.

Sungji is still on the ground, her dazed expression permanently on her face, so you walk over to help her recover.

Kai crosses his arms in front of him as he breathes in the fresh night air. "I told you that it's nice around this time." His body relaxes as the aroma of freshly baked bread and the sound of singing in the distance embraces him.

You help Sungji stand up and she wobbles in place, unable to comprehend what is happening. "I think you broke her," you say almost laughing, as Sungji hangs onto your arm to try and regain her balance.

Sungji stares right at Kai as she struggles to find the right words to say. "You." She lifts a weak finger at him. "You're crazy."

Kai walks over and places her other arm around his shoulder. "At least you're not dead." Sungji glares at him, secretly thankful for the extra pair of shoulders for support.

Kai looks around from where he's standing and takes in his surroundings, nodding to himself. "This should be proof enough. As much as I would love to stay a little longer, we should leave. I'll bring you both back another day."

You can feel all the plans you've made in your head disappear and your heart sinks at his statement. You're finally here, in the city that started the entire fine arts movement; the city that inspires creativity. And now you have to leave, and you haven't even gotten to properly see it.

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