0: Summer Lovin'

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CHAPTER ZERO.      ✷ summer lovin.

                                       The smell of sea salt and coconut sunblock burns into Gemini Kapoor's nose like a flame meeting skin. She's been sitting outside for a while now, letting the hot sun beat down on the skin that isn't covered up by her white and pink bikini. The beach sand under her now feels like a king bed, and the tide brushing against her toes is a gentle spa.

         Italy has been nothing short of a paradise since she arrived. About two weeks ago, her father gave her the surprise of a lifetime when he a.) Returned home a week early and b.) told her entire family that they'd be spending a month of summer in Polignano a Mare. Since then, she's been spending her days under the sun, in the stores, and sipping delicious lattes, compliments to her father's canyon-deep wallet.

There a certainly pros and cons to having a Quidditch player for a dad. Especially when that Quidditch player is the undisputed, best chaser in the entire professional league. The pay is certainly a pro, as are the holidays that come from it. However, one of the many cons is that this will be the last pro in a long while. After their summer break ends, her father will fly off to some other country to train and she won't see him again until Christmas (if she's lucky, sometimes he has a match he has to play). So, she decided to make the most out of this spontaneous trip and spend the majority of it with her father.

          Except for right now.

          While Gemma was practically born to be on the beach, soaking up the sun, her dad hates it. He says the sand is too itchy. So, he stays on the balcony of their hotel and looks over his children from there. Her mother stays up there with him, leaning on the fencing, observing as her sons toss a ball back and forth and her daughter shouts at them every time it gets too close to her lemonade.

          "Leo!" She spits with a scowl, sitting up as she pushes her sunglasses on the top of her head, "How many times do I have to tell you? Catch the damn ball or don't play at all!"

Leo Kapoor, the middle child. A spitting image of his father that's for sure. With his dark hair that sits slightly on his face, the two are like twins. From some angles, even Gemini can get them confused. While Gemini is a perfect mix of her mother and father, everything about Leo's appearance comes from the paternal side of the family. Archer's comes from their mother. The youngest child with wavy, brown hair and a button nose.  He has their dad's mouth, however.

"Here's a bright idea," Leo rolls his eyes as he turns on his heels, "Go tan somewhere else!"

           Gemini scoffs, "No way! I had this spot first. Go play your stupid game somewhere else!"

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