I: Stupid Boys

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CHAPTER ONE.      ✷ stupid boys.

                                            Gemini Kapoor is used to people staring at her. She's the smoking hot daughter of a famous Quidditch player, of course, she's going to have eyes on her at all times. She's even accustomed to the occasional whisper about the nasty look on her face or the outfit she's wearing on one particular day. So, when she walked onto the Hogwarts Express with her hand cupped around Evan Rosier's bicep, all the way down to the prefect's compartment, the hushed words and pointed fingers did anything but phase her.

To everyone else on the train, startled wasn't even close to the right word. It was as if the entire world had tilted off its axis. Gemma: stone cold and harsh, living off the blood of her enemies, feasting on broken hearts and emotional scarring, smiled as the Slytherin boy rambled on and on about how his miserable morning had gone. The air shifted as she provided some solace to him, causing his own grin to grow when she placed a small kiss on his cheek as they sat down on the cushioned seat just across from the other Slytherin prefects. Most called it a red herring; the calm before the storm. Until a month passed and the sun was still shining.

Now five weeks into her sixth year, everything is still smooth sailing. No hurricanes in sight. Gemma is still clinging softly to Evan's arm as he walks her from class to class. She sits with the Slytherins rather than her usual Ravenclaw companions, but it's a sacrifice she's willing to make if it pleases him. The student body still tends to whisper about how strange and sudden the pairing was, but it doesn't seem to shock them as much anymore. It turned into whispers of approval. "They actually work quite well together." — "He suits her, I think." — "That boy might be the only person in this whole school who can put up with her." For example.

     Then, there are those absolute worms who can't seem to wiggle their way out of their business, providing unnecessary, rude comments about the two. Such as, "You could do so much better, Rosier!" and "My bet is you two won't make it until Christmas." and —

             "How about you come over here and let me show you how a real man treats a woman, Kapoor!"

The shout interrupts their once peaceful stroll through the courtyard, causing both Gemma and Evan to whip their heads around. The sight they're met with isn't a pleasant one. Instead, it's four lost boys heading right towards them. The source of the comment, dressed in his usual leather boots and loose tie, smirks as he walks slightly ahead of the others.

"Shove off, Black!" Gemma retorts, scoffing as she turns back around, tugging on Evan's arm trying to get him to just ignore the comment.

The Marauders (The stupid name the band of misfits bestowed upon themselves. The group consists of four members: the aforementioned Sirius Black, the wallflower son of the notorious Walburga and Orion Black; James Potter, a rich boy who has only ever heard the word 'no' when Lily Evans denies him a date for what must be the thousandth time; Remus Lupin, the most tolerable of all the members; and Peter, the quiet one of whom she has no opinion of) however, have a nasty habit of getting under their victim's skin; something Gemma actually finds amusing, believe it or not. So, Evan stays put, a glare on his face as he watches them stroll over to them.

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