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Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, along with Sarah, sitting on a giant luxurious couch in a grand living room. The room was adorned with elegant chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling, casting a warm and inviting glow. The walls are painted in a pitched black, dark color, with intricate moldings adding a touch of sophistication. Plush, velvet curtains frame the large windows, allowing just the right amount of natural light to filter in.

Mr. Jeon clenches his jaw and nervously plays with his lips, his eyes dart around the room. He notices the presence of numerous guards dressed in sleek black attire, their guns at the ready, creating an atmosphere of tension and anticipation.

Mrs. Jeon and Sarah, feeling a mix of nervousness and cluelessness, exchange glances to eachother

They had been invited by the Alpha, blindfolded and escorted by his guards, but now they've been waiting for him for what feels like an eternity.

Thats when Alpha, with his dark aura and a devilish smirk, descended the stairs,his smirk widening taking in their reactions, the room seemed to hold its breath. He wore a black shirt with the top buttons undone, exuding an air of confidence and power. His eyes gleamed with mischief as he locked gazes with his family.

JK:"Well, well, well, look who is here," he said, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and authority, as he approached them.

Mrs. Jeon couldn't contain her emotions and tears welled up in her eyes at the sight of her long-lost son. Sarah, on the other hand, rolled her eyes, seemingly unimpressed. Mr. Jeon's face contorted with anger, his gaze locked in a fierce stare with the Alpha.

Mrs. Jeon stepped forward, her tears flowing freely, and slowly cupped her son's face. She knew the dark deeds he had done, but she was still his mother.

Mrs Jeon:"My Gukk."

The Alpha's eyes softened momentarily as he looked into his mother's tear-filled eyes. In an instant, they both rushed into a tight embrace, holding onto each other as if time had stood still. Mrs. Jeon burst into tears, her emotions overwhelming her, while the Alpha gently patted her back, offering a sense of comfort.

Meanwhile, his dark, challenging eyes never left his father's gaze. The tension between them was palpable, a silent battle of wills.

Mr Jeon:"Why you call us here?" He asked more like shouted.

The Alpha chuckled darkly slowly leaving his mother's embrace.

JK:"Yo, why y'all just standing there? Go make some arrangements for my family in the guest area, they look hella tired," the Alpha commanded his guards, a smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at his father.

The guards quickly scurried away, leaving the hall to fulfill the Alpha's orders.

Mr Jeon:"Cut the crap and tell me where the hell is Taehyung? What did you do to him?" He demanded angrily.

The Alpha's eyes darkened, causing Mr. Jeon to fall silent.

Suddenly, an angelic figure appeared on the stairs, looking breathtakingly beautiful yet fragile. His eyes were teary, and his face seemed devoid of any emotion. All eyes turned towards him, captivated by the sound of his heels clicking against the floor.

The Alpha smirked with pride,

JK:"There's my Omega," he declared, striding towards the angelic male and delicately taking his hands. With a firm grip, he led him down the stairs.

The Omega, with teary eyes, glanced towards his family, who looked at him with longing eyes. Then, his gaze shifted towards the Alpha, a pleading look in his eyes. The Alpha, with a cold expression on his face, understood and released his hold on the Omega.

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