Chapter 15: Mixed emotions

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The next morning second hour is starting, and there's tons of chatter going around the room upon walking in. Even Raylen doesn't have her nose stuck in a book like usual. "What's got everyone so hyped up this early?"

"You haven't watched the news?" she asks, as Brooklynn walks over to her seat.

"Not really. Why, what's going on?"

The shorter female pulls out her phone. Going straight to the news app and clicking on the most popular broadcast. Sonny leans over to watch also as a male reporter is seen talking outside. If she's not mistaken it's around the same area they fought that snake, and where she awakened to her Duclea form. "It seems the new Felixa chosen is definitely in town now. The random monsters attacks have steadily decreased. Plus major destruction around here time and time again could very well be the Felixa using her powers. Over to you Sierra."

Flipping to a news woman standing in the excat same alley from last night. "Yes, it seems indeed that Brooklynn has arrived in Chadlen. As you can see by all this damage behind me, and here isn't the only area. She'll be the third Felixa attempting to take down Duran. The famous adventurer that sunk into the dark ruin last month. People claim to saw the Felixa with their own eyes just yesterday evening. They didn't get it on video but believe this girl to be only a minor. We also speculate unlike the others before her that she has an accomplice of some sort."

As they watch the newscast her body stiffens and Raylen finally puts her phone away. "Rumors say the Felixa could be at this very school." Both exchanging looks and remain silent as Josef walks up to join the conversation.

"Talking about the Felixa I presume? She is one brave girl to be taking on the kinds of sightings people have witnessed in town recently. Wouldn't it be amazing to meet her, Hira?"


"Come students, quite down. I know everyone is interested in the Felixa story passing around, but class is about to begin." The teacher instructs, having everyone take their seats.

Having more space to breathe now Brooklynn is the first to whisper as the lesson starts up. "People are finding out more about us. They must've realized the organized attacks the FDO has been doing against us latley."

"It doesn't matter. As long as we can destroy the Erebus chest before our identities are discovered."


Later on art class roles around for them. Brooklynn lets out a groan suprisingly this being her least favorite class of the day. Their teacher clasps her hands the moment the bell rings. "Alright class, get working on your beautiful landscapes! You should be starting on your painting about now!"

Sighing once more as she fetches her small canvas before taking a seat by her easel. Sonny peeps over at hers trying to stifle back a laugh. "Will you shut up. I'm not finished yet."

"Is that really what you plan on turning in?"

"Not everyone can draw okay. What about you, hmm? Where is yours?" Glancing at his own and her face goes pale at the pretty beach inspired drawling. The painting is nearly done too. "Of course it's beautiful. Why did I even ask?"

"Your portrait is magnificent, Sonny! The hues for the evening colored skies is breathtaking."

"I just have to do my last finishing touches on it."

"I must hang it up in the hallway for the whole school to see."

"What about mine, Mrs. Tazelberry?" The woman turning her attention towards Brooklynn. One look and her lips twists up into an awkward smile. "Your' definitely unique."

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