Chapter 20: Complicated feelings

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(Isabelle POV)
Heading inside the ruins most of the monsters haven't responded yet making their travel easier. Exiting another empty room as she makes sure to keep up with her brother. With the silence between them Isabelle finds herself softly humming that song again. The same one her mother always sang every night when she was really little. It's a shame she'll never get the chance to hear her soothing voice anymore. Though if the Felixa was to succeed maybe that statement won't be so true.

Glancing at male she decides to ask what's been weighing on her mind. Perhaps she honestly wants some kind of reassurance. "Hey, Aki."

"Yeah, what is it?" Hands behind his head and gaze remaining straight forward.

"...When this is all over dad will finally open his eyes, and we can all be a family again, right?"

Akira's pace slows though he takes a minute to answer. "...Of course we will! Just have to listen to his instructions for now. Soon we'll obtain the chest and then his worries can be put to rest."

"Do you think he'll go through with it in the end?"

"Absolutely not. I'm telling you he only wants the chest to ease his guilt and fears too. He still feels responsible for pushing the old man into going on that last 'legendary' quest in the first place. I mean, who could've predicted things would turn this badly. Dad is trying to give grandfather his dark power and make up for it all. So much crap happened that he still blames on himself. Like for instance that friend who had to move back to his hometown. Their small business fell under and dad said the fault was his alone, just because he had more experience." It is true their dad carries many regrets that weigh heavy on his heart. Every mistake he has made still sticks to him even today.

"It doesn't end there but he insists mom's death is on his shoulders too. When those people started gunfire...he wasn't able to protect her. Now this curse that threatens the fate of our entire bloodline. I seen the jealousy in his eyes when he watches others happiness. All those negative emotions is what drove him into despair..." Akira's own expression crumbling, and causing a sad smile to form on her own face.

Isabelle still remembers their mother's smile. This wicked world took Louis away long before her time. She was just an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I really miss mom. Ever since we've been affected by this curse he hardly acknowledges whatsoever. It's even worse now than before..." she sadly mumbles. If they can help there's a chance he could truly see them again. That he wouldn't continue to shut his children out anymore. Something their dad has been doing for the past four years.

"We won't fail, okay? After we secure the chest we'll all have to sacrifice Brooklynn, so Aine will return to her chambers. It's most likely not in here so this is just another warm up. We do need to hold out longer than in the last battle though. They'll be watching us again, and need to see more of her spells in action."

"Well at least I have an even stronger weapon this time. I hope they don't knock you down flat, since you're too stubborn to use one." She flatly points out enraging the teen.

"I told you I don't need a stupid weapon! My marital arts is fine by itself and besides, you only changed because that Felixa broke yours!"

"So what? I love this one much better anyways!"

"Isn't that you could kill the light deity, but try not pushing to her limits. Nearly made the Felixa one with the wall, using your enlarge spell on that ball."

"She would've lived...just bearing a few broken bones."


"Okay, okay." Silence falling between them once again as they walk down the open path. The gentle wind starting to blow more fearice speed. "It's not easy fighting against Sonny, is it?"

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