Trust me not

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Option 1 selected!

"Do you trust me?" Leo asked, his brown eyes staring into your E/C ones. You nodded and grabbed his hand.

Leo pulled you into the portal, you held your eyes shut and you squeezed Leo's hand in an iron grip, you could feel wind rushing past your face and blowing your hair back behind you.

"You can open your eyes now." Leo said after a moment, chuckling. You opened your eyes to be greeted with an abandoned subway station. But it was neat and well kept, kinda. There were pizza boxes stacked in random spots of this...atrium? Lobby? You didn't really know what to call it. But where you were standing, there were four subway cars surrounding you. One of them was closed and emitted light from it.

"Is someone in there?" You asked Leo, who was busy smirking at you. You shrugged it off assuming that he was happy he had a friend. Leo looked over at the subway car, which was now making a quiet humming noise as if it were a generator.

"Oh, it's just my nerdy twin, Donnie." Leo said in a bored tone.
"What's wrong with nerds? I like them!" You replied, smiling.

Leo will remember that.

Leo chuckled. "Not this nerd he's bo-o-o-ring!" He exclaimed, trying his best not to lash out. But then again, he couldn't help but get so angry. Why was he angry? He didn't know. But he didn't like the feeling of being angry at you, he didn't want to scare you away, nor did he want any of his family members to scare you away either. He wanted you to himself, to be friends without any annoying interruptions.

He didn't notice that his hand was gripping his katana, causing his knuckles to turn white. You frowned.

"You okay?" You reached up to touch Leo's shoulder gently.

A tingle ran through him, but it wasn't a happy tingle, he felt it in his stomach. As if little creatures were...fluttering.

He got butterflies.

The feeling...he didn't know if he liked it or not. This is the first time he's felt this way. The way you touched his shoulder sent electric waves through his body, he wanted you to touch him more. Not in a weird way, maybe a hug perhaps? Or maybe a friendly handshake?

Or chaining you to his bed so you'll be with him forever.

Leo flinched, that thought scared him. He didn't like that, not one bit.

You quickly retracted your hand, he must have experienced something traumatic to flinch like that.
"Are you sure you're okay?" You asked, putting your hand back to your side. Leo looked at you, his eyes foggy and glazed. "Yea..." he said quietly, not breaking his gaze, you guessed that he was zoned out at the moment.

"Alright then." Suddenly, a mouthwatering scent filled your nostrils, you put your nose up in the air and sniffed, you felt as though you were a cartoon character, floating in the air as you followed the delicious smell.

You ended up in a kitchen, the scent of food engulfed your senses and you noticed a faint sound of humming. You opened your eyes, not realizing they have been closed, and you noticed another mutant turtle. Its shell was turned towards you, and judging by the random splotches of yellow around its body, you guessed it was a box turtle.

"Y/N?" You heard Leo's voice call out. The box turtle looked up and turned around. "Y/N?" It queried, then gasped as its eyes landed on you.

"We have guests!" It exclaimed, running up to hug you. You were too shocked to register Leo scooping you up and snatching you away from his brother's grasp.

"Mikey! You'll scare them if you come at them like a wild bear." Leo exclaimed angrily, glaring down at the box turtle.

"Hi Mikey!" You exclaimed, waving at the turtle. Mikey smiled brightly at you and waved back, you couldn't help but notice how you were significantly taller than him, but you brushed it off and continued smiling.

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