• The Crescent Of Moon •

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"I'm yours,

The way the sea belongs to
the moon,

The way the moon belongs to the sky,
And even if the jealous stars break and shatter
upon the milky way,
I will still see heaven in
Your eyes"

"Shanzu, look at this"!

Waniya's excited tone echoed across the air tinged with bustling noises as she tugged at Shanzay's arm making her snap her attention towards her, before sweeping her honey coloured orbs towards the direction she was pointing at.

"Kiya kehti ho, aik dou patakhay insay lekar hum bhi pharain"?

Shanzay slightly flinched at the loud noise of firecrackers that went off in the background creating ear bursting noises followed by the bubbling laughter of kids that circled them while hooting loudly in the street below.

Than her honey brown gaze swept past the noisy air, stopping on Waniya's frame who was dangling from the terrace boundary wall, as she gazed back at the commotion happening in street below with her orbs glinting in excitement and joy, almost as if she found it all very thrilling.

Shanzay stretched her hand in air, unnoticeably and slightly pushing Waniya back from her dangling state, scared she'd fall from the third floor and end up breaking her precious bones in the process.

Waniya did indeed step back with the pull but remained glued to the boundary wall as she gazed down at the hustling crowd of kids with her mouth gaped in awe,
"I really want to give it a try for atleast once. Oyeee choootttaayyy"!!!!

Shanzay jumped slightly in startle at Waniya's suddenly echoing loud voice at the last words.

Even Ayat and Manahil who seemed to be busy as they remained seated on the plastic chairs in the center of terrace, with Manahil carefully adorning henna patterns on Ayat's palm, turned their necks to gaze at Waniya's frame.

Manahil's hand holding the cone mehndi halted as she gazed at Waniya's back with disappointment,
"Sharam karo Wanu, bachon kay saath bacha kon bunta hai"?

However, Ayat simply blew at the freshly applied henna prints as she mused gazing at Waniya's back,
"Nah! Let her give it a try. Go Wanu! Do it"!

Noor e Mehtab ||MOONLIGHT||Where stories live. Discover now