Chapter 2

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The sunlight shone brightly into the room. A man was sleeping in a king sized comfy bed. His soft hair was blown by the cold wind from the outside, covering half of his face. He squeezed his body between the pillows on the bed, trying to make his slim body warm. At time like this, he wanted to curse himself for being too slim.

A knock on the door woke him up from his dream land. Feeling lazy to open the door, the man pulled the blanket, covering his whole body up to his head.


"Aish.... just go away.... what a nuisance...." he grumbled under the blanket. Eyes still closed.

"Khun Nunew Chawarin. Young master Zee Pruk is waiting for you."

He was trying to continue his sleep but the way his name being called prevented him to do so. "Khun Nunew Chawarin?" his eyes enlarged. 'Who the hell calls me by full name?' lazily, he pushed the blanket and propped one of his elbows, trying to respond to the call but his eyes were going to pop out as he looked at the surroundings.


There was no more of his small closet, but instead there was a big walk in wardrobe on the right of the spacious room filled with hanging clothes and suits. The wall was decorated with beautiful wallpaper instead of the posters of his favourite band. The floor design was completed with a soft maroon carpet. The carpet looked so fluffy as if his feet would sink in if he stepped on it. All the furniture in the room looked so exclusive and expensive. A painting and a modern designed clock were hanging on the wall. The room was so spacious that it could fit the whole people in the town.

A sudden view made his breath stop. Nunew could feel his heart was going to stop beating as he spotted a big picture hanging by a frame on the wall. He was with a man and both of them were in white suits. In the picture, he was smiling next to the man while his hand locked under the man's arm. The way he smiled looked like it was the happiest day of his life.


"What the hell....what the hell..... where am I??" he held his heart as if it were going to explode at any time while his mind was busy trying to digest everything he just saw. Again, he heard the knock on the big door.

"Khun Nunew?"

"Y...YES! YES...YES?" Nunew was stuttering, he couldn't think of anything at the moment.

"I am afraid that I have to bring you down by force, Young master Zee Pruk is waiting for you downstairs." The person behind the door sounded determined.

"Erm... I.... I am not feeling good today.. tell him don't wait for me. I will go down later."

"Who the hell is that young master Zee Pok?...Zee Prik...what was his name again.... shit!" Panicky, he tried to organize his thought. 'I'm must be dreaming.' So he slapped his face real hard which only made him to shriek in the next second. "Shiaaa, that hurts!"

"This is not a dream..... not a dream... what am I going to do?" Nunew mumbled. He kept inhaling and exhaling and his lungs were going to explode from the overloading of oxygen.

He tried to remember how he ended up in that super unfamiliar house. 'Am I being kidnapped? But..this place is too luxurious for a kidnapper....' 'Am I being sold? Adopted....or....'

"What is it....what is it Nunew Chawarin...think...think...think....use your brain". He scratched his head brutally, only stopping when suddenly he felt the dangling object around his neck.

He looked down to his neck and saw the pendant. Slowly, Nunew held the pendant up straight to his eye level. The pendant was now dangling gracefully in front of his big eyes.

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