Chapter 3

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Flourish and Blotts
[A copy of Gilderoy Lockhart's autobiography, Magical Me, is on display as Anna enters the store. They join the Weasleys, who are waiting in a line.]
Mrs. Weasley: Oh Anna, thank goodness! [dusting Anna off] We'd hoped you'd only gone one grate too far!
Man: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart!
Mrs. Weasley: Oh, here he is! [The mostly female crowd applauds as the flamboyantly-dressed Gilderoy Lockhart steps into view.]
Rose: Mum fancies him. [Mrs. Weasley playfully shoves her.]
"Really? Him? He's an idiot. How he got in Ravenclaw is mystery." Said James.
Photographer: Make way there, please! Let me by, madam, thank you. Excuse me, little girl, this is for The Daily Prophet. [Snaps a photograph of Lockhart]
Lockhart: [noticing Anna's scar] It can't be Anna Potter!
Photographer: Anna Potter! [Grabs Anna] Excuse me, madam. [Pushes Anna up to the front.]
"Let her go!" Yelled marauders and Barty.
Anna: Hand!
Lockhart: [pulling Anna to her side] Nice big smile, Anna, together you and I rate the front page! [Anna smiles fakely and the photographer snaps a picture. Anna with greeted teath and clearly fake smile says.]
Anna: If you don't take your hands off me in next two seconds, i will chop them off and beat you with it... [Lockhart looks at her. Anna whispers] ..To death
[Scared Lockhart lets go of her.]
"Anna!" Scolded Lily, slightly amused. Slytheirns look very amused, so are Marauders.
"My goddaughter is so perfect." Said Sirius.
"Good threat." Complimeted Regulus.
Lockhart: Ladies and gentlemen, what an extraordinary moment this is! When young Anna stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography Magical Me... [Most of the crowd excitedly applaud] ...which, incidentally, is currently celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop the Daily Prophet bestseller list... [Cassie is watching from above] ...she had no idea that she would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works... [Presents Anna with a stack of books] of charge. [sits down at a desk as Anna walks back to the Weasleys] Now, ladies.
Mrs. Weasley: [as Anna passes her the Lockhart books] Anna, now you give me those, and I'll get them signed. All of you wait outside. That's it, Rose. [Anna and her friends go into the front area of the store. Cassie, now standing on a staircase, tears a page out of a book.]
Cassie: [coming down the stairs] Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Anna Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page.
Marauders glare at her.
Fred: [stepping forward] Leave her alone.
Cassie: Anna Potter... you've got yourself a boyfriend!
"She isn't allowed to have boyfriends." Said James. Sirius and Remus nodded.
George: Why? Jaelous?
Lucius: [Pushing Cassie aside with his walking stick] Now, now, Cassiopia, play nicely. [Turns to Anna] Ms. Potter... [As he and Anna shake hands] ...Lucius Malfoy... we meet at last. Forgive me...[leans in to examine Anna's scar] ...your scar is legend, as, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you.
Narcissa gives Lucius a look which says 'Really?'
Anna: Voldemort killed my parents.
[Steps away from Lucius] He was nothing more than a murderer.
Lucius: You must be very brave to mention his name. Or very foolish.
Rose: Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
"Wise words." Said Lily.
Lucius: Let me see, red hair, vacant expressions... [takes a book from Rose's cauldron] ...tatty, secondhand book, you must be the Weasleys. [As he talks, Mr. Weasley walks over to the front area of the store.]
"Didn't Cassiopeia say the same?" Said Lily. Narcissa sents glare toward Lucius.
Mr. Weasley: Children, it's mad in here. Let's go outside.
Lucius: Well, well, well, Weasley senior.
Mr. Weasley: Lucius.
Lucius: Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids. I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this... [holds up Rose's book] ...I'd say not. What's the use of being a disgrace to the name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?
Mr. Weasley: We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.
Lucius: Clearly. [Anna watches as Lucius places two books into Rose's cauldron] I'll see you at work. [leaves the shop]
Cassie: I'll see you at school. [Follows her father out the door.]
Anna: [whispered to Rose] Do you think if i asked nicely, Lucius would tell me what hair products he is using? [Rose gave her a look.]
People looked at her stunned.
Anna: what? Look at that hair, i haven't even touched it and i can already feel how soft it is.
Everyone laughed.
[Rose shooks her head amused and walks away. She bumps at Neville and her and Neville's books fall.]
Rose: Sorry.
Neville: Sorry. [They smile awkwardly and pick up their books. Neville accidentally takes Black book with him.]
Regulus notices and looks at Barty to see if he saw, he nods.
Flying to Hogwarts
[The Ford Anglia is parked at King's Cross Station as numerous people walk past it. In the station, Anna, Rose, Percy, Fred, George, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are desperate to catch the Hogwarts Express before it leaves.]
Mr. Weasley: 10:58. Come on, come on!
Mrs. Weasley: Train will be leaving any moment!
Mr. Weasley: Fred, George, Percy, you first! [Fred pushes his cart through the barrier to Platform 9¾, followed by Percy and George. Mrs. Weasley disappears through the wall; Mr. Weasley goes in immediately after her]
Anna: [turning to Rose] Let's go. [Rose nods; then they push their carts directly for the wall. However, instead of going through the wall, Anna inexplicably crashes into it and falls over;]
"What?" Said James.
"How?" Said Sirius.
"It has never happened before." Said Remus.
[Rose loses control of her cart, and falls over as well. A station agent, the same man Anna saw a year ago, notices while speaking to a woman, and approaches Anna and Rose as they get to their feet, groaning from their slight injuries.]
Station Agent: Oy! What do you two think you're doing?
Anna: Sorry. Lost control of the trolley. [The agent shakes his head at them and walks away; Anna glances at Rose] Why can't we get through?
Rose: I don't know. [touching the wall with her hand, discovering the bricks have become solid] The gateway's sealed itself for some reason. [Anna touches the wall to see that it's completely solid.]
Anna: [hearing a clock chime, she and Rose look up at a nearby clock displaying the time 11:00] The train leaves at exactly 11:00. We've missed it!
Rose: [glancing at the clock in horror, then turning to Anna] Anna... if we can't get through, maybe mom and dad can't get back.
Anna: [trying to decide what to do about their dilemma] Maybe we should just go and wait by the car.
"Good decision." Said Remus.
Rose: [The sound of these words suddenly gives her an idea] The car... [Anna glances at her, wondering what he's got in mind]
Anna: This is mad. We can't drive to Hogwarts.
Rose: Who says we're driving? 
"No, no, no, no." Said Lily.
Anna: You don't mean -- Rose, no. 
Rose: Look, who knows when Mum and Dad will get back. We've got to get to school. Are you in?
Anna: That sounds illegal. I'm in.
"Why does she have to be so much like you?!" Exclamed Lily. James smirks.
Rose: [smirking] It will be fun. [Rose taps her wand on the dash and the Anglia burbles to life. Rose shifts. With a great jolt, the car lifts from the ground.]
Rose: There. See. Now I reckon all we have to do is find the Hogwarts Express and follow it. Simple. [Anna nods, not entirely convinced. He peers out the window. Rose presses a tiny silver button on the dashboard and they... disappear. The Anglia's engine putters softly, when -- POP! - the car reappears. Rose jabs at the silver button.]
Anna: Oh, Rose. I should tell you. Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car.
Rose: I'm trying. The Invisibility Booster must be faulty. [Camera zooms along the ridge of a cliff. The car reappears from above, gliding away from camera.] Any sign of the train?
Anna: There! Up ahead! Look... [Along a steep bridge, a single line of train tracks appear.]
Rose: Brilliant. [Rose shifts, glides down, until the Anglia is only a few feet above the tracks. They peer ahead, looking for the train.]
Rose: It must be around here someplace. [Behind them, through the Anglia's rear window, the Hogwarts Express appears, closing fast. Anna and Rose perk up. Smile.]
Anna: Do you hear that? [Then, at precisely the same moment, Anna and Rose register the direction of the sound. They glance at each other, turn as one and see the train growing huge in the rear window.]
Everone looks scared for girls.
Anna/Rose: Aaaahhhhh!  [Rose spins the wheel, puts her foot to the gas and -- at the last possible second -- whips the Anglia out of the train's path. As it jets under the bridge, Anna goes sliding down across her seat, into the door, and... out. Dangling upside-down from the open door, she watches the Hogwarts Express zip past and, in one window, glimpses nevile and Seamus, mouths open in astonishment.]
"Why is she always on verge of dying?" Said Sirius.
Rose: Take my hand! [Anna's grips Rose's hand, eyes the train steaming far below. It's quite a drop. Anna's fingers begin to lose their grip.]
Rose: Hold on!
Anna: I'm trying! [Straining, Rose yanks her inside, levels off the car. As Anna falls heavily into her seat, She buckles her safety belt.]
They sight out in relief.
Anna: I think we found the train.
"Siriusly?" Said Sirius.

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