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☆ 2. Chapter 1
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Chapter 1

The continuous spring rain finally stopped, and the sky above Majia Village became clear. Looking up into the distance, you can see a clear blue sky with smoke flowing through the forest.

When Su Yan came down from the mountain, her clothes were stained with mud and her hair was slightly damp from the rain and mist. The basket on her back contained some herbs and wild mushrooms. She was a little tired now from walking for a long time, and her forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat. However, even so, she had no intention of taking a rest and wanted to go back to cook as soon as possible.

Su Yan lives at the foot of Guanyin Mountain. Most of the people in this village have the surname Ma. Su Yan's mother came here to avoid disaster. She died when she was thirteen years old. Later, she followed the man next door who lost half her eye. The lame doctor collects medicine in exchange for money. She was alone until she was sixteen, but that was different now.

Thinking of the people still waiting for her at home, Su Yan couldn't help but quicken her pace, stepping into the puddles on the edge of the field, causing a splash of water.

As they were about to arrive, a man walking unsteadily not far away approached carrying half a leg of lamb. Su Yan recognized the person and frowned to avoid it, but the man smiled evilly and suddenly stretched out his hand to reach her.

Without saying a word, Su Yan picked up the hatchet, glared at him unceremoniously, and said, "Ma Liu, you don't want this hand anymore, do you?"

Ma Liu originally wanted to touch her twice with no good intentions. Seeing the polished hatchet in her hand, she immediately flinched and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding you, why are you using the knife? Come to my house and have mutton soup to drink."

Su Yan's expression did not loosen at all, fearful. After taking a step back. "Shameless thing, bah! Who can be so funny with you!"

Ma Liu is a well-known gangster in the village. He will be frivolous when he sees a beautiful young lady, but his parents are unreasonable and have always been used to it. He is a son who is incompetent and scolds the girls who were bullied by him for being shameless and without a clean word in his mouth. Not long ago, Ma Liu was severely beaten for teasing the yamen's girl in the town. His parents spent money to rescue him, but now they don't know how to provoke Su Yan.

After living here for a long time, everyone knows that Su Yan is alone. In addition, her mother has a bad reputation, and there are shameless and lecherous people hanging around her house from time to time. Ma Liu once climbed over the wall of her house and was chased and bitten by her big yellow dog. Later, his parents came to beat her with sticks. If someone hadn't stopped her, Su Yan would have been beaten half to death. .

When she sees Ma Liu now, she avoids him. Even if she is not chopping wood, she always carries a knife to guard against these shameless scoundrels.

Ma Liu was intimidated by her and spat angrily on the ground, saying a series of obscene words, and then said: "Don't think people don't know, you picked up a wild man and put it in the house. He is so nice to people every day, and even though he has touched them clean, he still thinks that he is an innocent person!"

Su Yan clenched her fingers tightly without saying a word, and walked away with the basket on her back before turning back and sarcastically saying: "I am a prostitute. I don't look down on you."

Ma Liu was so angry that he came after her. Su Yan ran all the way, shouting the name of the big yellow dog. Soon the dog ran out of the yard and scared away the chasing Ma Liu.

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