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☆ 67. Chapter 66
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Chapter 66:

There were numerous casualties in Dingzhou, and the city was in chaos. The bodies of the governor's family were hung on the city wall for public display. However, the brave soldiers of Xiangzhou and the reinforcements brought Li Cheng to a great loss after the battle, and he was forced to retreat for fifty miles. .

In order to prevent Li Cheng from secretly reinforcing them, there were soldiers and horses everywhere to intercept their post soldiers. Su Yan and the others happened to bump into these intercepting soldiers and horses. Everyone was in panic at night, and suddenly they exclaimed that there were enemy troops. Not only were the people frightened, but the horses began to move uneasily. The soldiers were so demoralized that they still had the energy to resist the enemy.

The road ahead was blocked, so Su Yan and the others had to get off the carriage and run away. Once they fell into the hands of the counter-rebels, as Li Cheng's family members, they would definitely suffer inhuman torture, and there was no way Li Cheng would come. Save them.

Su Yan was worried that she would not be able to explain herself after being captured, so she could only run with them. However, the opponent had more people and hated the rebels very much. He captured them all in a few times and hacked them to death in front of them as if to vent their anger. Many rebels were killed, and their heads rolled to Su Yan's feet. She was so frightened that she turned pale and kept hiding. The child in her arms also kept crying. Soldiers whose relatives and friends died at the hands of the rebels came to snatch the child away and wanted to kill her. Thrown to the ground, Su Yan held the child tightly to prevent him from taking it away. For a moment, the baby's cries mixed with the man's curses, and the scene was chaotic.

Finally, a sensible person stepped forward to comfort his comrades and said: "Keep them alive first. No matter what, they are the relatives of the rebel leader. If you want to kill them, you have to kill them in front of him to scare the enemy. Why not first?" Take them back to the city and wait for the fate of Chang Shi."

After these words, the other party finally did not want to kill them. Li Cheng's concubines suddenly fell into this situation, and they all hugged together and cried. In the past, you fought for me and now you can't. We can only comfort each other.

Su Yan couldn't tell the truth, being dragged into such an unreasonable disaster for no reason. She tried to explain to the leader several times, but the other party ignored her and said she was scheming. Su Yan was completely helpless, she just hoped that there would be a reasonable person among them by then.

This place is still some distance from Xiangzhou. These people hate the rebels deeply, and naturally they have no good feelings toward Li Cheng's wife and children. If they want a bowl of water, they have to ask for it politely. The child in Su Yan's arms kept crying. She was not the child's mother, so she had no choice but to ask them if they had goat's milk. Instead of getting food for the child, she was teased and humiliated. Fan, she was so angry that she couldn't even speak.

Fortunately, when passing through a nearby town, Su Yan discussed it with a few other people, gathered up all the hairpins and jade stones hidden on her body, and gave them to the leader who had a better temper. Only then was she so hungry that she cried. The deflated child was replaced with some goat's milk.

Su Yan couldn't sleep well at night, and when she woke up she didn't have much energy, and she had a resentful look on her face all day long. It's obviously not her child, but everyone thinks she is the child's grandma. Li Cheng has caused great harm to her, and she has to look after her daughter for him.

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